- 中文名:維薩利亞
- 別名:小空島


Sky piea一般指本詞條
sky blue adj. 天藍色的 , n. 天藍色 half the sky 半邊天(央視著名電視欄目)cloudy sky 多雲天空,陰天 pie in the sky 不能保證實現的諾言;渺茫的希望 fly to the sky 飛行青少年(歌唱組合名稱)under the open sky 在戶外,在露天 open sky 開放天空(雙方相互開放各自的航空市場)sky diving 儘量...
斬擊貝:(戰鬥用貝)吸收斬擊,可以造成斬擊傷害。是從外地引進空島Sky Piea的貝類。衝擊貝:(戰鬥用貝)可將衝擊吸收後再釋放出來,其後坐力的反噬很強烈。排擊貝:(戰鬥用貝)相當於衝擊貝的10倍威力,其後坐力的反噬可能會致命。瀕臨絕種的貝類。雷射貝:(戰鬥用貝)與木柄連線在一起的戰鬥用貝,...
Pie Contest 烤派大賽 S04E07 150-Piece Kit 小小樂器 S04E08 Bald Spot 地中海 S04E09 Guy's Night 男人狂歡夜 S04E10 One Pull Up 引體向上 S04E11 The Christmas Special 聖誕節特輯 S04E12 S04E13 T.G.I. Tuesday 感謝上帝今 天周二 S04E14 Firework Run 煙花大逃亡 S04E15 The Longest Weekend...
hang by a thread/hair危在旦夕 haul someone up逮捕某人,把某人抓起來 have(or keep)one's eyes peeled提高警覺 have a big nose愛打聽 have a bone to pick with對有意見 have a finger in the pie通曉一切 have a hand in參與 have a head of gold慷慨,好心 have a head要求別人對說話的人表示...
04. Jane Gilchrist, Slovak Radio Symphony Orchestra, Kirk Trevor – Requiem: Pie Jesu 勞埃韋伯:耶穌垂憐 - 安魂曲 - 吉兒凱絲 泰凡納:雅典娜之歌 - 希爾 05. Karl Jenkins – Agnus Dei 泰凡納:雅典娜之歌 - 希爾 06. David Hill & Winchester Cathedral Choir – Song for Athene 泰凡納:雅典娜之...
阿什拉(Ashla)、科勒曼·塔博(Coleman Trebor)、索拉·巴爾克(Sora Bulq)、埃文·皮爾(Even Piell)、艾丘島·善-忠(Echuu Shen-Jon)、科菲·阿拉納(Koffi Arana)、德琶·比拉巴(Depa Billaba)、達莎·阿桑(Darsha Assant)、瑪拉·傑德·天行者(Mara Jade Skywalker)、瑪麗·阿米西斯特(Mari Ami...
Try climbing to the top of this one by throwing steamers and climbing them. On your way up you better watch out for the various pie throwing clowns, burning candles and bouncing balls, because if they get you you'll die a little each time.用扔蒸汽船的方式攀登到頂上,在攀登路上最好注意...
Alan Schroeder, a lifelong admirer of Louis Armstrong, is the award-winning author of several picture books, including Lily and the Wooden Bowl, Minty, and Carolina Shout. His first book, Ragtime Tumpie, was chosen as an ALA Notable Book, a Booklist Children's Editors' Choice, and a ...
十月的天空 October Sky 窈窕淑女/窈窕美眉 She's All That 美國派 American Pie 冠軍爭霸 Ready to Rumble 美國派2 American Pie 2 Going Greek 凸種高材生 Van Wilder 沙漠騎兵/大漠雄風/狂沙神駒 Hidalgo 迷霧 The Mist 5-25-77 Old Man Music 掘金壯士/淘金二人組 Lady Killers 親愛的溫迪 Dear Wendy Am...
她和“彩虹小馬:友誼就是魔法”的石灰派(Maud Pie)有相同的配音。Plum Pudding(梅子布丁)配音:ASHLEIGH BALL 年齡:11 梅子布丁是一個舞蹈演員,也是梅子舞蹈工作室的老闆。她的紫羅蘭色頭髮用梅子頭繩扎了一個馬尾辮,有著深紫色的眼睛,在淡藍色和淡紫色的連衣裙外套一件紫羅蘭色的羊毛衫,白條紋的綠色緊身褲...
2. Pie Jesu 3. Harry's Game 4. The Butterfly 5. The Vioce6. Danny Boy 7. Orinoco Flow 8. You Raise Me Up 9. Shenandoah - The Contradiction 10. Isle of Inisfree 11. Dúlamán 12. Green the Whole Year Round 13. Ave Maria 14. The Sky and the Dawn and the Sun 15. Somewhere ...
2. God Must Be A Boogie Man 3. Funeral 4. A Chair In The Sky 5. The Wolf That Lives In Lindsey 6. I's A Muggin'7. Sweet Sucker Dance 8. Coin In The Pocket 9. The Dry Cleaners From Des Moines 10. Lucky 11. Goodbye Pork Pie Hat 1980s 專輯名稱:Wild Things Run Fast 發行...
第5集 B.Pups Stop a Pie-Clone(派捲風來襲) 第6集 Dino Rescue: Pups and the Lost Dino Eggs(恐龍救難隊:尋蛋任務) 第7集 A.Dino Rescue: Pups Save a Pterodactyl(恐龍救難隊:拯救翼手龍) 第7集 B.Dino Rescue: Pups and the Big Rumble(恐龍救難隊:火山爆發) 第8集 Dino Rescue: Pups Save...
non negar a questo straziato mio cuor tregua al suo dolor!sebastien:sperduta l'almamia si prosta a te e pien di speme si prosta ai tuoi pie,carlos:t'invoca e attende che tu le dia la pace che solo tu puoi donar ave maria!urs:ave maria gratia plena sebastien:maria gratia plena maria...
超級播報員 Pie in the Sky --- (1996)母親之夜 Mother Night --- (1996)Kingfish: A Story of Huey P. Long --- (1995)A Streetcar Named Desire --- (1995)赫德薩克的代理人/金錢帝國/影子大亨 The Hudsucker Proxy --- (1994)石頭城樂園/摩登原始人 The Flintstones --- (1994)All-Star 25th ...