- 外文名:sincere
- 詞性:形容詞
- 1He seemed sincere enough when he said he wanted to help.他表示願意幫忙,樣子很真誠。《牛津詞典》
- 2He had a way of sounding so sincere. It made me warm and tingly.他的話聽起來如此真誠。這讓我覺得溫暖而舒心。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
- 3Primo de Rivera himself was a benevolent and sincere paternalist.普里莫·德里韋拉本人是個仁慈而真誠的家長式人物。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
- 4The author didn't think Juan was sincere.作者不認為胡安是真誠的。
- 5He wanted to make a sincere apology to Jimmy.他想向吉米真誠地道歉。
- 6Probably you also feel that he is both self-confident and sincere.也許你也會覺得他既自信又真誠。
- 7Sincere love together is the most all combined with pure, bless you.真誠的愛情在一起是最純潔的,祝福你們。
- 8It shows how sincere you are and how much pride you take in your work.這表明你是多么的真誠,你對自己的工作是多么的自豪。
- 9People drink up their wine to communicate the message to others that they are sincere and joyful.人們把酒喝完是為了向別人傳達一種信息,即他們是真誠的、快樂的。
- 10If the farm is well managed and has enough land, and the desire to convert is sincere, a relationship can begin.如果把農場管理得很好,並且有足夠的土地,也很真誠地想去轉變(農場運營方式),就可以開始一段合作關係了。
- 11It's the friendliest and most sincere form of communication and is sure to be understood in any part of the world.這是最友好、最真誠的交流方式,且在世界上任何地方都能獲得理解。
- 12It's the friendliest and most sincere form of communication, and is sure to be understood in any part of the world.這是最友好、最真誠的交流方式,且世界上任何地方的人都能理解其含義。
- 13The letter closed with sincere greetings which I did not think referred to me, but the warden was sincere about the issue.這封信結尾真誠的問候我認為不是跟我說的,但是那個監獄長對待此問題倒是很真誠的。
- 14As to Gaokao reform, the spokesman had a sincere conversation with journalists, the press release of which has already been made public.發言人與記者就高考改革的問題進行了真誠的交談,新聞發布會已經對外公布。
- 15He's sincere in his views.他的意見是誠懇的。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
- 16He sounded sincere, but then, he always did.他聽起來很誠懇,不過,話說回來,他一貫如此。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
- 17She is never completely sincere in what she says about people.她談論別人,一向不盡坦誠。《牛津詞典》
- 18She was sincere and genuine in her wish to make amends for the past.她誠懇而真心地希望彌補過去的錯誤。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
- 19Good friendships are not easy to develop, but a friendship can last forever if you are loyal and sincere.好的友誼不容易發展,但如果你是忠誠和真誠的,友誼可以持續到永遠。
- 20I am writing to express my sincere gratitude for your help in my study.我寫這封信是為了感謝你在學習上對我的幫助。
- 21I'm writing to show my sincere appreciation for the book you gave it me before you left China.你在離開中國之前給我送了那本書,謹寫此信以表達我衷心的感謝。
- 22Ladies and gentlemen, on behalf of our government, I'd like to extend a sincere welcome and heartfelt gratitude.女士們、先生們,我謹代表我國政府,向各位表示誠摯的歡迎和衷心的感謝。
- 23How hard it was to be sincere, not to make the emotion more beautiful and more violent or the circumstance more romantic.要做到真誠是多么難啊,不能使感情變得更美好、更激烈,不能使環境變得更浪漫。
- 24I am writing to offer my sincere congratulations to you on your winning the first prize in the Chinese Chess Network Challenge.我寫這封信是為了衷心地祝賀你贏得了中國象棋網路挑戰賽一等獎。
- 25He has a sincere desire to help you.他是誠心誠意地想幫助你。《新英漢大辭典》
- 26I say not flatteringly but with sincere conviction.我說話不是奉承,而是心悅誠服。《新英漢大辭典》
- 27We must never be unworthy of our teachers' untiring and sincere teachings.我們決不要辜負老師的諄諄教導。《新英漢大辭典》
- 28The only one left was sincere.唯一剩下的一個很誠摯。
- 29He was sincere and handsome.他非常真誠和帥氣。
- 30You have my sincere condolences...請接受我真誠的慰問。