Simple Heuristics in a Social World

Simple Heuristics in a Social World



  • 又名:Simple Heuristics in a Social World
  • 作者: Ralph Hertwig/ Ulrich Hoffrage / ABC Research Group
  • 頁數:592
  • 出版社:Oxford University Press
  • 出版時間:2012-9
- Generalization of the research program on fast and frugal heuristics to the social world
- The book is the part of a trilogy: (1) Gigerenzer, Todd, & ABC Research Group (1999). Simple heuristics that make us smart. OUP (2) Todd, Gigerenzer, & ABC Research Group (2011). Ecological rationality: Intelligence in the world. OUP.
- Interdisciplinary group of authors (psychologists, economists, behavioral ecologists, political scientists, philosophers)
- Includes "hot" topics such as medical decision making, decision making among children, social networks, the problem of segregation, mate choice, moral reasoning and behavior
Simple Heuristics in a Social World invites readers to discover the simple heuristics that people use to navigate the complexities and surprises of environments populated with others. The social world is a terrain where humans and other animals compete with conspecifics for myriad resources, including food, mates, and status, and where rivals grant the decision maker little time for deep thought, protracted information search, or complex calculations. Yet, the social world also encompasses domains where social animals such as humans can learn from one another and can forge alliances with one another to boost their chances of success.


