She Moves Through The Fair

《She Moves Through The Fair》是Cara Dillon演唱的一首歌曲,收錄於專輯《Hill of Thieves》。


  • 外文名:She Moves Through The Fair
  • 所屬專輯:Hill of Thieves
  • 歌曲原唱:Cara Dillon
  • 發行日期:2009年1月26日
My young love said to me 'My mother won't mind
我的愛人告訴我 我的母親不介意
And my father won't slight you for your lack of kind'
父親也不會怠慢你 即使你沒有牛羊
And she stepped away from me and this she did say
於是她離我遠去了 她這樣說的
'It will not be long, love, till our wedding day'
She stepped away from me, and she moved through the fair
她離我遠去了 接著她從集市中穿過
And fondly I watched her move here and move there
我深情地注視著她 來來回回
And she turned her way homeward with one star awake
她在往她的家而去 一顆星星懸在天空
As the swan in the evening moves over the lake
夜色下的鵝群 在湖面游弋
The people were saying, 'no two e'er were wed'
人們都在說 他們兩個沒有結婚
But one had a sorrow that never was said
但是其中一個承受著傷痛 人們未曾說
And she smiled as she passed me with her goods and her gear
她微笑著經過我身旁 推著她的貨物和推車
And that was the last that I saw of my dear
那是最後一次 我見到我的愛人
Last night she came to me, my true love came in
我昨晚夢見 我的真愛歸來
And she came in so easy her feet made no din
輕輕地走進屋子 悄然無聲
As she laid her hands on me and this she did say
她走近到我身旁 然後說
'It will not be long love, 'till our wedding day'
No, it won't be long my love
No, it won't be long my love
No, it won't be long my love


