Sexing the Cherry(2007年Vintage Classic出版的圖書)

Sexing the Cherry(2007年Vintage Classic出版的圖書)

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《Sexing the Cherry》是Vintage Classic出版的圖書,作者是Jeanette Winterson


  • ISBN:9780099503941
  • 作者:Jeanette Winterson
  • 出版社:Vintage Classic
  • 出版時間:2007年9月
  • 頁數:144
  • 定價:USD 14.95
  • 裝幀:Paperback
Evoking modern physics and antique metaphysics, Winterson's ambitiously eccentric narrative challenges her readers to rupture the boundaries of conventional perceptions and linear experience of time. Her narrative voices, alternating between a Rabelaisian giantess and her foundling son, collapse at times into one another and the characters plunge vertiginously through time and ...(展開全部) Evoking modern physics and antique metaphysics, Winterson's ambitiously eccentric narrative challenges her readers to rupture the boundaries of conventional perceptions and linear experience of time. Her narrative voices, alternating between a Rabelaisian giantess and her foundling son, collapse at times into one another and the characters plunge vertiginously through time and space. On the one hand reworking fairy tales, and on the other evoking the filth, squalor and exuberant bawdiness of 17th-century England in the throes of civil war, Winterson ( The Passion ) eventually locates her characters in present-day London. Graced with striking similes and poetic cadences, the author's prose is clean and strong, and the disjunctive elements of her narrative are integrated elegantly. But the novel's freakish characters and flights of surreal fancy are insufficient to redeem its overwrought artifice. The work is further limited by its stridently dogmatic feminism, which, contemptuously belittling all men as arrogantly stupid bullies who are vastly women's inferiors in maturity and moral fiber, vitiates its ostensible intent to transcend the narrowness of human perception. 珍妮特•溫特森(Jeanette Winterson) 當代最好也是最有爭議性的作家之一。1959年,生於英格蘭的曼徹斯特。自小由篤信宗教的夫婦收養。當時家中有六本書,其中《亞瑟王之死》激發了溫特森對書本和寫作的渴望。1978年,溫特森開始戀愛,離家出走。她在殯儀館、精神病院等地打工,但仍以全A的成績考進牛津大學英語系。1985年,處女作《橘子不是唯一的水果》出版,榮獲惠特布萊德處女作獎。由她親自改編的同名BBC劇集也大獲好評,獲得各項國際大獎。 溫特森自此一躍成為英國文壇最耀眼的作家。英國BBC電視台的“女性時間”與橘子文學獎合作,推出一項“女性分水嶺小說”提名票選活動,溫特森有三本小說入選,是入選頻率最高的當代的作家。 代表作品有:《激情》《給櫻桃以性別》《寫在身體上》《藝術與謊言》《蘋果筆記本》《守望燈塔》等。 2006年,溫特森以其傑出的文學...(展開全部)


