Saving Babies

Saving Babies

《Saving Babies?》是2012年12月出版的圖書,作者是Timmermans, Stefan、Buchbinder, Mara。


  • 外文名:Saving Babies
  • 作者:Timmermans, Stefan、Buchbinder, Mara
  • 譯者:高璐
  • 出版時間:2012年12月
  • 出版社:University of Chicago Press 
  • ISBN:9780226924977


It has been close to six decades since Watson and Crick discovered the structure of DNA and more than ten years since the human genome was decoded. Today, through the collection and analysis of a small blood sample, every baby born in the United States is screened for more than fifty genetic disorders. Though the early detection of these abnormalities can potentially save lives, the test also has a high percentage of false positives - inaccurate results that can take a brutal emotional toll on parents before they are corrected. Now some doctors are questioning whether the benefits of these screenings outweigh the stress and pain they sometimes produce. In "Saving Babies?" Stefan Timmermans and Mara Buchbinder evaluate the consequences and benefits of state-mandated newborn screening - and the larger policy questions they raise about the inherent inequalities in American medical care that limit the effectiveness of this potentially lifesaving technology. Drawing on observations and interviews with families, doctors, and policy actors, Timmermans and Buchbinder have given us the first ethnographic study of how parents and geneticists resolve the many uncertainties in screening newborns. Ideal for scholars of medicine, public health, and public policy, this book is destined to become a classic in its field.


史蒂芬·蒂默曼斯(Stefan Timmermans),加州大學洛杉磯分校社會學系教授,主要研究方向是醫學社會學和科學研究。他使用民族志和歷史學的方法來解決美國營利性醫療體系中的關鍵問題,對醫療技術、衛生專業、死亡和死亡以及人口健康等領域多有關注。他同時也是《 社會科學與醫學》期刊的醫學社會學編輯。
瑪拉-布赫賓德(Mara Buchbinder),北卡羅來納大學大學教堂山分校社會醫學副教授和人類學副教授,該校生物倫理學中心的核心教員。她最近的工作重點是關注患者、家庭和醫療服務提供者如何應對醫療技術、法律和衛生政策變化帶來的社會和倫理挑戰。

