Sangdil Sanam

《Sangdil Sanam》是由Shomu Mukherjee執導,Anand Balraj、Beena Banerjee、Kishore Anand Bhanushali主演的一部電影。該片於1994年2月2日上映。


  • 中文名:無情的愛人 
  • 外文名:Sangdil Sanam
    Sangdil Sanam: The Heartless Lover 
  • 類型:劇情、喜劇、動作、愛情、歌舞、家庭 
  • 製片地區:印度
  • 導演:Shomu Mukherjee
  • 編劇:Anwar Khan、Tanveer Khan、Shomu Mukherjee
  • 主演:Anand Balraj 、Beena Banerjee、Kishore Anand Bhanushali
  • 片長:185 分鐘 
  • 上映時間:1994年2月2日 
  • 對白語言:北印度語 
  • imdb編碼:tt0111067 


本片主要講述了銀行經理凱拉什·納特(Kailash Nath)和銀行監督員尚卡爾·達亞爾·庫拉納(Shankar Dayal Khurana)是朋友。Kailash讓他的兒子Kishan嫁給Dayal的女兒Sanam。不幸的是,婚禮後,卡伊拉什遭遇車禍,被認為已經死亡;但在現實中倖存下來,被逮捕,並被判長期監禁,罪名是從銀行盜竊巨額資金。在服刑數年後,Kailash發現了Dayal是如何誣陷他犯下的罪行,現在作為該鎮的市長,他過著富裕幸福的生活。但對卡伊拉什來說,一切都不一樣了,因為他的妻子薩維特里(Savitri)和基尚已經無從追查。與此同時,基山去Khurana的平房帶他的妻子,薩南回家;他發現的是一個非常固執,溺愛,粗魯和沒有禮貌的Sanam不願意和他一起去。基尚然後強有力地把她帶到他的母親-不知道,薩南有一個驚喜的母親和兒子。
Kailash Nath is the Manager of a Bank and lives a comfortable lifestyle with his wife, Savitri, and son, Kishan. He is friendly with the Bank Watchman, Shankar Dayal Khurana, so much so that he arranges the marriage of Kishan with Shankar's daughter, Sanam. Shortly after the marriage of the two children, the bank is robbed, Kailash becomes a suspect, is arrested, charged, and sentenced to 12 years in prison. After he completes his sentence he returns home to find out that Savitri and Kishan are not traceable. He also finds out that he was framed for the bank robbery by none other than Shankar, who is now the Mayor of this town. In the meantime, Kishan, now grown up, goes to take Sanam home with him as his bride. She refuses to do so, but he forcibly takes her, so Sanam decides to go along too. What Kishan does know is that Sanam to get married to Pradeep, the only son of millionaire Lalla, but before doing that she wants to publicly humiliate Kishan and Savitri.


Dilip Sarkar Vinod ThakkarShomu MukherjeeAnwar Khan、Tanveer Khan、Shomu Mukherjee


