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  • 外文名:STEALTH
  • 詞性:名詞
  • 英式音標:[stelθ]
  • 美式音標:[stelθ]


英 [stelθ] 美 [stelθ]
n. 秘密;秘密行動;鬼祟


stealth game 隱蔽類遊戲
by stealth 偷偷地;暗中
stealth aircraft 隱形飛機
stealth bomber 隱形轟炸機


  • Lions rely on stealth when hunting. 獅子捕食全憑偷襲。
  • The government was accused of trying to introduce the tax by stealth. 有人指責政府想不事聲張地開徵這種稅。
  • Stealth by Accident? 意外隱形?
  • How exactly does stealth technology work? 那么隱形技術運作的原理究竟是怎樣的呢?
  • Why, I wonder, the ethics-by-stealth? 為什麼呢,我想,做好事不留名的道德觀?
  • IT LOOKS, in a way, like a stealth takeover. 從某種層面上來看這像是一種隱形的收購。
  • Stealth bombers, for example, are flying wings. 例如,隱形轟炸機就屬飛翼機。
  • 'Why did you slip away by stealth like this? “你為什麼要這樣偷偷地溜走呢?”
  • Moreover, perfecting stealth technology takes time. 此外,完善隱形技術需要時間。
  • Their stealth belies their potential importance. 中微子隱形性隱藏著潛在的重要性。
  • In fact, it is "demonstrably not a true stealth aircraft." 事實上他基本上不是一種真正的隱形戰機。
  • Stealth job hunting while employed has never been easy. 在有工作時偷偷摸摸地求職從來就不是件容易事。
  • "We should keep an eye on the stealth word 'our,'" he writes. 他說,“我們總是著眼於‘我們’這個詞。”
  • The F-35 is a supersonic, multi-role, 5th generation stealth fighter. 這架F - 35是一種超音速,多用途,第五代隱形戰鬥機。
  • But ditch that mindset: Celery contains stealth nutrients that heal. 但請轉變思想:芹菜富含具有治癒功能的神秘營養素。
  • The bomber is the nation's largest payload, longest range stealth bomber. 該轟炸機是美國有效載荷最大,航程最遠的隱形轟炸機。
  • Photos and videos of the new stealth bomber were published on the Internet. 一種新型隱形轟炸機的圖片和視頻也在網上公布。
  • Taranis is a stealth vehicle that would be able to penetrate enemy airspace. 而塔拉尼斯則是可以悄悄滲入敵軍空域的潛行飛機。
  • But Myhra argues that the plane was indeed intentionally designed for stealth. 但是Myhra辯稱這架飛機確實是為了隱形而設計。
  • They have little or no relevance to non-state actors operating by stealth. 他們很少或沒有與非國家行為者的聯繫。
  • Mr Cameron will not be able to win his reform battles by stealth and charm alone. 卡梅倫先生僅靠秘密行動和個人魅力無法贏得戰鬥。
  • Also, the surfaces on a stealth aircraft can be treated so they absorb radar signals. 同時,經過加工處理的隱形戰機表面還可以吸收雷達信號。
  • The Stealth Fighter and the Cadillac show-car both have a menacing and precise nature. 隱形戰鬥機和凱迪拉克展示車都具有一個含有威脅性和精確特性的外形。
  • This stealth capability makes it able to attack enemy targets with less fear of retaliation. 它良好的隱身能力使得其在攻擊敵方目標時不用擔心被擊落。
  • Pakistan will hand over the remains of the stealth helicopter blown up in the Abbottabad raid. 巴基斯坦將把在阿伯塔巴德突襲中炸毀的隱身戰鬥機的殘骸交還給美國。
  • Read on to see (pun intended) how you can get Stealth Healthy protection for your peepers. 繼續讀來了解你怎樣使你的同輩人得到暗中的健康保護。
  • But its legitimacy depended on the charisma of King Bhumibol and the stealth of his courtiers. 不過,王權合法性有賴於蒲美蓬國王的個人魅力與其廷臣的幕後活動。
  • The helicopters used in the raid weren’t the first US military helicopters with stealth capability. 這次突襲行動中使用的直升機不是美軍歷史上第一架具有隱身能力的直升機。
  • Nighthawks were the world's first stealth fighters, planes that were very hard for radar to detect. 夜鷹是世界第一代隱形戰鬥機,很難被雷達發現。


