奈及利亞國家標準局(Standard Organization of Nigeria, SON)是奈及利亞負責制定和執行進口商品和本國製造產品質量標準的政府機構。為確保管制產品符合已獲準施行的該國技術標準或其他國際標準,保護奈及利亞消費者免受不安全產品或不符合標準的產品的損害,奈及利亞國家標準局決定對出口到該國的管制產品實施裝船前強制性合格評定程式(以下簡稱SONCAP)。
1. All electrical and electronic products that could be used by members of the public whether in their homes or otherwise e.g in residential, office, retail, leisure etc environments. Examples include, but are not limited to, household appliances, IT products, communication products, lighting products, audio-visual products
New Product Included in the Product Certificate 2 (Registered Status), Product Certificate 3 (Licensed Status) This fee is for new product, included in the Product Certificate during the validity of the Product Certificate. 300.00 per product
Addition of new model under existing product groups in the Product Certificate 2 (Registered Status), Product Certificate 3 (Licensed Status)on an existing product group This fee is for new product models added under the product groups 60.00 per model per year (USD 5.00 per month)