- 出生日期:1953年8月
- 逝世日期:2014年4月
- 畢業院校:俄勒岡州的波特蘭里德學院
- 職業:教師
2007 至今 《營養》編輯委員會。
國家科學基金會的獎學金,1974 - 1978。
課題”生物鐘的性能和功能“主要研究人員,獲85000美元國家科學基金會的研究資金, 1979 - 1983。
課題“生物鐘的性能“的主要研究人員,獲國家精神衛生研究所80000美元的研究資金,1983 - 1987。
阿爾弗雷德·斯隆基礎研究獎學金(神經),25000美元($),1986 - 1989。
1. Cunningham, C. L., Brown, J. S., & Roberts, S. (1974). Startbox-goalbox confinement durations as determinants of self-punitive behavior. Learning and Motivation, 7, 340-355.
2. Roberts, S., & Church, R. M. (1978). Control of an internal clock. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Behavior Processes, 4, 318-337.
3. Roberts, S. (1980). How to check a computer program. Behavior Research Methods & Instrumentation, 17, 155-156.
4. Maricq, A. V., Roberts, S., & Church, R. M. (1981). Methamphetamine and time estimation. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Behavior Processes, 7, 18-30.
5. Roberts, S. (1981). Isolation of an internal clock. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Behavior Processes, 7, 242-268.
6. Roberts, S. (1982). Cross-modal use of an internal clock. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Behavior Processes, 8, 2-22.
7. Roberts, S. (1983). Properties and function of an internal clock. In R. L. Mellegren (Ed.), Animal Cognition and Behavior (pp. 345-397). Amsterdam: North-Holland Press.
8. Roberts, S., & Holder, M. D. (1984). The function of time discrimination and classical conditioning. In J. Gibbon & L. Allan (Eds.), Timing and time perception (pp. 228-241). New York: New York Academy of Sciences.
9. Roberts, S., & Holder, M. D. (1984). What starts an internal clock? Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Behavior Processes, 10, 273-296.
10. Roberts, S. (1984). What then should we do? Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 7, 532-533.
11. Holder, M. D., & Roberts, S. (1985). Comparison of timing and classical conditioning. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Behavior Processes, 11, 172-119.
12. Roberts, S., & Holder, M. D. (1985). Effect of classical conditioning on an internal clock. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Behavior Processes, 11, 194-214.
13. Eberling, J. L., & Roberts, S. (1986). Effect of zona incerta lesions on timing: Application of a new method of functional mapping. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts, 12, 755.
14. Roberts, S. (1987). Less-than-expected variability in evidence for three stages in memory function. Behavioral Neuroscience, 101, 120-125.
15. Roberts, S. (1987). Evidence for distinct serial processes in animals: The multiplicative-factors method. Animal Learning & Behavior, 15, 135-173.
16. Holder, M. D., & Roberts, S. (1988). Effect of intertrial interval on variable-interval discrete-trial barpressing. Animal Learning & Behavior, 16, 340-353.
17. Roberts, S. (1992). Arising aid (U. S. Patent No. 5,079,682). United States Department of Commerce Patent and Trademark Office.
18. Roberts, S. (1993). Use of independent and correlated measures to divide a time-discrimination mechanism into parts. In D. E. Meyer & S. Kornblum (Eds.), Attention and Performance XIV: Synergies in experimental psychology, artificial intelligence, and cognitive neuroscience--A Silver Jubilee (pp. 589-610). Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
19. Roberts, S., & Sternberg, S. (1993). The meaning of additive reaction-time effects: Tests of three alternatives. In D. E. Meyer & S. Kornblum (Eds.), Attention and Performance XIV: Synergies in experimental psychology, artificial intelligence, and cognitive neuroscience--A Silver Jubilee (pp. 611-653). Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
20. Roberts, S. (1993). Beneath the sums of squares. American Journal of Psychology, 106, 308-320.
21. Roberts, S. (1994). Arising aid (U. S. Patent No. 5,327,331). United States Department of Commerce Patent and Trademark Office.
22. Clarke, S., Ivry, R., Grinband, J., Roberts, S., & Himizu, N. (1996). Exploring the domain of the cerebellar timing system. In M. A. Pastor & J. Artieda (Eds.), Time, internal clocks and movement (pp. 257-280). Amsterdam: Elsevier.
23. Roberts, S. (1998). The mental representation of time: Uncovering a biological clock. In D. Scarborough & S. Sternberg (Eds.), Methods, models, and conceptual issues (pp. 53-106). Vol. 4 in D. N. Osherson (Ed.), An invitation to cognitive science. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
24. Roberts, S., & Neuringer, A. (1998). Self-experimentation. In K. A. Lattal & M. Perrone (Eds.), Handbook of research methods in human operant behavior (pp. 619-655). New York: Plenum.
25. Roberts, S. (1999). Baer (1998) on self-experimentation. Self-experimentation Self-control Communications, 10(2), 1-3.
26. Roberts, S., & Pashler, H. (2000). How persuasive is a good fit? A comment on theory testing. Psychological Review, 107, 358-367.
27. Gharib, A., Derby, S., & Roberts, S. (2001). Timing and the control of variation. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Behavior Processes, 27, 165-178.
28. Roberts, S. (2001). Surprises from self-experimentation: Sleep, mood, and weight. Chance, 14 (2), 7-12.
29. Roberts, S. (2001). Rejoinder. Chance, 14 (2), 15.
30. Roberts, S., & Pashler, H. (2002). Reply to Rodgers & Rowe (2002). Psychological Review, 109, 605-607.
31. Roberts, S., & Temple, N. (2002). Medical research: A bettor’s guide. American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 23, 231-232.
32. Carpenter, K. J., Roberts, S., & Sternberg, S. (2003). Nutrition and immune function: Problems with a 1992 report. The Lancet, 361, 2247.
33. Roberts, S., & Sternberg, S. (2003). Do nutritional supplements improve cognitive function in the elderly? Nutrition, 19, 976-980.
34. Roberts, S. (2004). Self-experimentation as a source of new ideas: Examples about sleep, mood, health, and weight. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 27, 227-262.
35. Roberts, S. (2004). Self-experimentation: Friend or foe? Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 27, 275-287.
36. Gharib, A., Gade, C., & Roberts, S. (2004). Control of variation by reward probability. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Behavior Processes, 4, 271-282.
37. Roberts, S. (2005, September). Diversity in learning. Ideas That Matter, 3 (3), 39-43.
38. Roberts, S. (2006). Dealing with scientific fraud: A proposal. Public Health Nutrition, 9, 664-665.
39. Roberts, S., & Gharib, A. (2006). Variation of bar-press duration: Where do new responses come from? Behavioural Processes.
40. Sternberg, S., & Roberts, S. (2006). Nutritional supplements and infection in the elderly: Why do the findings conflict? Nutrition Journal, 5, 30.
41. Roberts, S. (2007). Something is better than nothing. Nutrition, 23, 911-912.
42. Gelman, A., & Roberts, S. (2007). Weight loss, self-experimentation, and web trials: A conversation. Chance, 20(4), 59-63.
43. Roberts, S. (2008). Transform your data. Nutrition, 24, 492-494.
44. Roberts, S. (2009). Plot your data. Nutrition, 25, 608-611.
45. Stahlman, W., Roberts, S., & Blaisdell, A. (2010). Effect of reward probability on spatial and temporal variation. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Behavior Processes, 36, 77-91.
46. Roberts, S. (2010). The unreasonable effectiveness of my self-experimentation. Medical Hypotheses, 75, 482-489. On-line publication: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.mehy.2010.04.030
47. Roberts, S. (2010). The value of self-experimentation. In T. Ferriss, The Four-Hour Body. New York: Crown Publishing. Pp. 468-473.
48. Roberts, S. (2010). An alternative to dieting: The body-fat set point and Shangri-La. On T. Ferriss, The Four-Hour Body website: http://www.fourhourworkweek.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2011/01/Alternative-to-Dieting.pdf.
49. Roberts, S. (in press). The reception of my self-experimentation. Journal of Business Research.。
1. Roberts, S. (1987, March 26). The new animal facility is needed. The Daily Californian, p. 4.
2. Roberts, S. (1988). The birth of art. The Nabokovian, 20, 19-20.
3. Roberts, S. (1988, December). [Letter to the editor of The New Yorker]. Spy, p. 54.
4. Roberts, S. (1988, December 17). Someone a target [Letter to the editor]. Kitschener-Waterloo Record, p. 47.
5. Roberts, S. (1989, February). "If there's one thing Ellsworth can't stand, it's talking-dog-on-desert-island cartoons." Spy, p. 34. [no volume or issue number available]
6. Roberts, S. (1989, May). [Letter to the editor of The New Yorker]. Spy, p. 54.
7. Roberts, S. (1989, June). [Letter to the editor]. Spy, p. 10.
8. Beatty, B., Roberts, S., & Mastrianni, J. (1989, September). Where's the LET'S HAVE LUNCH key? Spy, p. 68.
9. Roberts, S. (1989, December). How to get published in The New Yorker. Spy, p. 48.
10. Roberts, S. (1990, February). Only the slightly imperfect need apply. Spy, p. 40.
11. Roberts, S. (1990, July). Lab rat: What AIDS researcher Dr. Robert Gallo did in pursuit of the Nobel Prize, and what he didn't do in pursuit of a cure for AIDS. Spy, pp. 70-79.
12. Roberts, S. (1990, November). [Letter to the editor]. Spy, p. 14
13. Roberts, S. (1994, August 28). Out of silence [letter to the editor]. Washington Post Book World, vol 26, no. 35, p. 10.
14. Roberts, S. (1995, May/June). Department of subtle differences, Part 1: What are you, a comedian? Spy, 9 (3), p. 20.
15. Roberts, S. (1996, June 5-11). [letter to the editor]. NYPress, p. 12.
16. Roberts, S. (1997, July 26). [letter to the editor]. Science News, 152 (4), p. 51.
17. Roberts, S. (2006). The Shangri-La Diet: The Eat Anything No Hunger Weight-Loss Plan. New York: Perigee. Translated into 8 other languages. Paperback edition, significantly different, published in 2007.。