- 中文名:run joey run
- 歌手:David Geddes
- 時間:世紀七十年
- 內容:青少年戀人的愛情悲劇故事
歌曲開頭出現一個女孩哀求她父親的聲音:“爸爸,請不要 - 這是不是他的錯,他對我如此重要,爸爸不要生氣,我一定要嫁給他。”eddes唱出年輕人的個性,以第一人稱的敘述。Joey回憶著最近發生的悲劇,在女友Julie家她爸爸由於一時氣急失手槍殺了自己的女兒,而他原本是要殺Joey的。Joey時候才知道女友已經懷上了自己的孩子。Joey因此很難從這次悲劇中釋懷。
一會後他父親把槍上了膛,走到Joey後面。忽然,槍開了,Julie衝到Joey前面替他擋住了子彈,而自己卻躺在了地上。朱莉的遺言,她躺在喬伊的胳膊重複著:“爸爸,請不要 - 這是不是他的錯,他對我如此重要,爸爸不要生氣,我一定要嫁給他。”
(Chorus- woman's voice)
Daddy please don't
It wasn't his fault
He means so much to me
Daddy please don't
We're gonna get married
Just you wait and see
Every night, the same old dream
I hate to close my eyes
I can't erase the memory
The sound of Julie's cry
She called me up, late that night
She said, "Joe, don't come over,
My Dad and I just had a fight
And he stormed out the door!
I've never seen him act this way,
My God, he's goin' crazy
He said he's gonna make you pay
For what we done-- he's got a GUN!
So run, Joey run, Joey run!"
(Chorus- woman's voice)
Daddy please don't
It wasn't his fault
He means so much to me
Daddy please don't
We're gonna get married
Just you wait and see
Got in my car, and I drove like mad
'Til I reached Julie's place
She ran to me, with tear-filled eyes
And bruises on her face!
All at once I saw him there,
Sneaking up behind me (Woman's voice: Watch out! )
Then Julie yelled, "He's got a gun!"
And she stepped in front of me
Suddenly, a shot rang out
And I saw Julie falling!
I ran to her, I held her close
When I looked down, my hands were red
And here's the last words Julie said...
(Woman's voice)
Daddy please don't
It wasn't his fault
He means so much to me
Daddy please don't
We're gon... na get... mar... ried...
Run, Joey run, Joey run, Joey run, Joey run, Joey run, Joey ruuuuuunn!
run joey run最近重新走進人們的視線也是由於這次glee的演繹。
glee cast