Robin Wight

Robin Wight

英國藝術家 Robin Wight 使用不鏽鋼絲創作出的雕塑簡直讓人大吃一驚!


  • 外文名:Robin Wight
  • 國籍:英國
  • 代表作品:Fantasy Wire


英國藝術家Robin Wight 使用不鏽鋼絲創作出的雕塑簡直讓人大吃一驚!
About Fantasy Wire
My name is Robin Wight and I would probably describe myself more of a designer rather than an artist. My career has always been in manufacturing, solving practical problems through design. My philosophy being, to get the design right and the aesthetic flows from the design (form follows function). I’ve been an amateur artist all my life and making wire fairies is still (technically) only a hobby (I’m working on it!).
In each fairy I try to apply design criteria, including a story, movement, some visual illusion, emotion and natural forces.
As my new designs develop, I’d also like to create a fresh, contemporary view of fairies, avoiding the clichés and hopefully, as a result, deliver a balance of the traditional childlike whimsicality, with the aesthetic of a female form wrapped around an action type persona.


It was while mending a fence that the idea of wire as a sculptural medium struck me. Wire is perfect for the amateur sculptor. Its cheap, its accessible to all, it doesn’t require any welding or special processes, andis virtually limitless in what you can produce. It’s like metal clay. All you need is a coil of wire, a pair of pliers and your imagination. If you would like to try it, a DIY kit will provide you with the basics.
As It’s not how I earn my living, I don’t really have time to do commissions and prefer instead to keep designing and making new ones, but I do sell most of the ones I make.
I’m totally amazed and delighted at the popularity of FantasyWire and it’s a testament to the benefits of social media that a complete amateur like me can get his work shared and seen by so many people. So thank YOU for turning my hobby into a fairytale / family business.
The most common question I get asked is “How did you get started?” If you’d like to know the answer to this and how FantasyWire came about, downloadThe Fairytalewhich will give you the whole story.
FantasyWire – Wire Sculpture With A Twist
Inspired by an inexplicable real life encounter, these stainless wire sculptures make the perfect statement piece for the bottom of any garden.
In 2010 while mending a fence, I twisted some old wire together to throw away and thought, “I bet you could use fence wire to make a sculpture.” My first attempt was a fairy for the bottom of the garden. I’m still making wire fairies today, but whatstarted as a hobby has grown into a family business.
Each fairy is completely unique as they cannot be mass produced. I shy away from commissions and prefer to simply design, make and sell them separately as I go.
As well as the fairy sculptures, we now also make 2 to 5 meter tall, standalone dandelions. If you fancy having a go yourself, we also sell DIY starter kits thatteach you how it’s done.


