身為演員的Richie經常跟著他的媽媽去加利福尼亞工作~所以他有一個私人的家庭教師, 他從沒學過專業的歌唱,但是似乎人人都發覺他有這個天分, 他曾參加美國偶像節目但是並沒有獲勝,2004年他參加"Big in America" 然後變成us5中非常受歡迎的一員, 現在他和他的組合成員們一起住在德國,柏林,他們的第一首單曲曾時美國billboard排行榜的第6,並且長時間位居德國音樂排行榜之首!
Christopher Richard Stringini was born in Chicago at 28th November 1988. After birth his polish mother run away and left Richie behind. Four days later he was adopted by his new parents Kathy and Robert Stringini. He grew up in a small town called Wheaton where he still lives with his family (Mother Kathy, father Robert and brother Bobby). At the age of 4 years he stands the first time on a stage and was in some TV clips. He also was an actor in the American movie „ Rule No 1“As a child and teenager Richie worked as a model. Before he came to US5 he wanted to become a professional actor. Now he knows that the band was the right decision.
As a child he wanted to become a clown or to build a huge horror house. He tried to build one in the cellar of their house and when it became too big he moved with this horror house to a huge hall in his town. It is the biggest attraction in Wheaton now.
Richie often moved for some months with his mother to California to work as an actor and so he got a private teacher. He never sang professionally but everyone noticed that he got a big talent. He sang in the American TV Soap: American Idol but didn’t win. 2004 he went to the castings of 'Big in America' and became the most popular member of US5. Right now he lives with his band-mates in Berlin (Germany), where they are very famous. Their first single Maria was No 6 in the American billboard charts and for a long time No. 1 in Germany.
At the age of 4 years - he’s been standing onstage, TV clips (et al.: anti-narcotic -clip, American games, Mc Donald's…)
After - plays in a few musicals (e.g.:. Wizard of Oz, Christmas Carol,…)
Chicago Singers - he was one of 14 members 'Chicago Singers' >> Information
Chicago Idol 2002 - with 14 competes for and came till finale, unfortunately he didn’t won
2002 - US- magazine 'Boy Crazy Magazine'; for 'Boy of the year'
January 2003 - at the age of 15 he was casted for „The O.C.“ and came under the top 6 candidates.
Broadcast 2005 - actor in the American Hollywood movie „Rule Number One“ >> Information
2004 - Graduation, 2 years before than normal
May 2005 - Casting show 'Big in America'
June 2005 - became the member of US5
27th June 2005 - Publishment of the 1st single „Maria“ in Germany, Austria and Switzerland
14th October 2005 - Publishment of the 2nd single „Just because of you“
18th November 2005 - Publishment of the 1st longplayer „Here we go“
October 2005 - German Radio Award "Best Newcomer Male"
November 2005 - Yam-Award – "Superstar 2005"
5th December 2005 - alleged Sex-photos at a club toilet („Sage-Club“)
May 2006 - Bravo Otto Gold "Pop Superband"
10th February 2006 - Publishment of the 3rd single „Come back to me baby“
5th May 2006 - Publishment of the 4th single „Mama“
20th October 2006 - Publishment of the 5th single „In the club“
24th November 2006 - Publishment of the 2nd longplayer „In Control“
December 2006 - Affair with a polish model, who posed nude
12th January 2007 - Publishment of the 6th single „One night with you”
December 2006 - Richie’s parents ban Richie to come back to Germany
January 2007 - Radio Regenbogen Award "Popgruppe des Jahres"
January 2007 - Steiger Award "Newcomer"
January 2007 - Bravo starts a mission: “Richie – back”
26th January - Richie comes back to Germany
February 2007 - Goldene Kamera "Pop International Band"
28. April 2007 - Golden Otto "Super Band Pop"
15. June 2007 - Release of the Single "Rhythm of life"