Realms of Blood

《Realms of Blood》是由Robert J. Massetti執導的電影,由Kim Allen、Robert J. Massetti、Tim Ritter擔任編劇,由Nick Colameo、John D'Angelo、Trish Dempsey主演。


  • 外文名:Realms of Blood
  • 導演:Robert J. Massetti
  • 編劇:Kim Allen、Robert J. Massetti、Tim Ritter
  • 主演:Nick Colameo、John D'Angelo、Trish Dempsey
  • 上映時間:2004年8月31日


On a dark, stormy night, two roomates caught in a power blackout decide to tell each other scary stories to pass the time. The first story is called "Pain Killer", about a Gulf War Vet. that returns home disfigured and mentally unstable engaging in a murderous killing spree after his wife no longer sees him as her husband. The second story called "The Cologne", written by B-Horror legend TIM RITTER (Truth or Dare, Killing Spree), tells the story of a nerd that can't get a date until he tries this special "Cologne", which works great at first but comes with some deadly side effects. The last story is called "Blood Runs Cold", about an aging Priest that is chosen by God to rid the earth of vampires.
在一個漆黑的暴風雨之夜,兩個遭遇停電的室友決定互相講恐怖故事來打發時間。第一個故事叫做“痛苦的黑仔”,講的是一個海灣戰爭老兵。在妻子不再視他為丈夫後,毀容且精神不穩定的他回到家中,瘋狂殺人。第二個故事叫《古龍水》,由B級恐怖傳奇人物TIM RITTER(《真心話大冒險,殺戮狂歡》)所寫,講述了一個書呆子在嘗試這種特殊的“古龍水”之前無法獲得約會的故事,這種古龍水剛開始效果很好,但伴隨著一些致命的副作用。最後一個故事叫做《熱血沸騰》,講的是一個被上帝選中去消滅地球上的吸血鬼的衰老牧師。


Freddy AllenNick Colameo
DidoJohn D'Angelo
The DwellerTrish Dempsey
SuzetteDana D'Oench
SteveJon Fish


Robert J. MassettiKim Allen、Robert J. Massetti、Tim RitterRobert J. Massetti  Thomas Parnell  Peter PortaRobert J. Massetti

