Read and Share Toddler Bible

Read and Share Toddler Bible

《Read and Share Toddler Bible》是一本圖書,作者是Ellis, Gwen。


  • 中文名:Read and Share Toddler Bible
  • 作者:Ellis, Gwen
  • 出版社:Thomas Nelson Publishers 
  • ISBN:9781400314645
  • 定價:116 元
This new addition to the "Read and Share"TM brand contains 40 stories plus a 60 minute DVD including bonus features just for toddlers. The "Read and Share Toddler Bible" is a delightful way to introduce little ones ages one to four to God's Word. Gwen Ellis's engaging retelling of Bible stories along with Steve Smallman's colorful art communicate God's Word clearly to small tots with short attention spans. Stories from both the Old and New Testaments include all-time favorites ranging from Creation, Noah, Moses, Abraham, Isaac, Joseph, David, to Jesus' birth, miracles, death, and resurrection. Bonus DVD includes stories and bonus features from the popular "Read and Share"TM "DVD Bible" series. Each story is three minutes long to keep toddlers attention span engaged.

