Radical Expressions

Radical Expressions

《Radical Expressions》是商務印書館出版的圖書,作者是《漢語世界》編輯部


  • ISBN:9787100178754
  • 作者:《漢語世界》編輯部
  • 出版社:商務印書館
  • 出版時間:2019年12月
  • 頁數:225
  • 定價:68.00
  • 裝幀:平裝
《漢字會說話》全書共收錄52個漢字,分為山川風物、世道法理、人情世故、知識探索和娛樂休閒等5章。每篇講解一個漢字,介紹漢字的源流、演變、相關成語、俗語和用法。全書採用現代簡潔的設計與裝幀。 該書用地道且不失幽默的英文講述漢字相關的歷史、趣聞和傳說。正文之外,附加字形演變的展示,從甲骨文到楷書,體現漢字之美。另外,還有筆劃書寫分解示範和練習區域。除漢字學習之外,該書圍繞相關話題,介紹傳統文化和當代中國,引發思考與討論。對於漢語學習者和對中國有興趣的海外讀者都有廣泛的吸引力。
This book is a collection of 52 Chinese characters explained: The history and legends associated with the character offer readers intriguing perspectives of Chinese culture. Quotes and idioms formed by the character are insightful and fun to use in daily conversation. Furthermore, evolution of characters is explained from pictogram scripts to modern, simplified forms, as well as the modern usage of characters, the common phrases they form, and example sentences guide you through application. Strokes are broken down for each character by correct stroke order, with space to practice handwriting.
The World of Chinese is a bimonthly English-language magazine dedicated to Chinese culture, views, news, and society. Published by The Commercial Press, the magazine features i


