《Quilting and Patchwork Project Book: 20 Simple Step-By-Step Projects》是一本圖書。
- 外文名:Quilting and Patchwork Project Book: 20 Simple Step-By-Step Projects
- ISBN:9780831767402
- 定價:48 元
The ide~ of making somethin~ bothBeaut ifid and usefid from lnaterials wifichmay otherwisc be discarded, or which cos~little, is very appealing, especially int~~|ay s climate of conservation andrecycling. Many of the projects in thisbook need only small amounts of fabricwhich, if you are already dressmaking ordoinll other sewing projects, you mayhave already. Suitable fabrics for patchwork includepure cotton in dress- or light furnishing-~ a,eigl:~ c~,tduroy, lawn, poplin, or cottonhlends, Jersey or knit fabrics arc ~,,,tsuitable far patchwork. Start a collectionof fabrics in colors and prints that you likeand will enjoy using. Whenever I see a likely looking fabric, 1 buy a quarter or half*yard (meter) piece to add to my cnllection, Many fabric and notions firms supply materials and equipment specifically for the quilt-maker, and the choice of colors and prints available is almost unlimited. Look in the classified ads of sewing anti craft magazine.~; many offer samples by mail order, Other sources are tbe remnant boxes in department stores and flea markets. If yon use oldgarments, cut away wnrn or faded parts.All fabrics should be washed and ironedbefore use to test for shrinkage and howfast the dye is. Batting (wadding) is the padding whichis used as an interlining between the topof a quih and the back. The projects inthis book use mainly synthetic batting, ineither 2-oz. or 4-oz. weight as this is themost economical and practical. Morespecific details are given with eachproject.