Questions and Answers on Environmental Issues for the Three Gorges Project

Questions and Answers on Environmental Issues for the Three Gorges Project

《 Questions and Answers on Environmental Issues for the Three Gorges Project》是科學出版社出版的圖書,作者是Yangtze valley water resources protection bureau, MWR & NEPA。


  • 書名: Questions and Answers on Environmental Issues for the Three Gorges Project 
  • 作者:Yangtze valley water resources protection bureau, MWR & NEPA
  • 出版社:科學出版社
  • 出版時間:1999年1月
  • ISBN:7030070208
Ⅱ.The Study and Verification of the Impact of TGP on Environment and Ecology
Ⅲ.Species Resources
Ⅳ.Reservoir Impoundment and Resettlement
Ⅴ.Natural Landscape and Historic Heritage
Ⅵ.Water Quality
Ⅶ.Environmental Geology
Ⅷ.Reservoir Sedimentation and Downstream Channel Scouring
Ⅸ.Public Health
Ⅹ.Impact on the Environment and Ecology of the Plain and Lake Regions in the Middle and Lower Reaches of the Yangtze
Ⅺ.Impacts on the Estuary Ecosystem and Environment
Ⅻ.Environment in Construction Site
ⅩⅢ.Other Public Concern of Environmental Issues
ⅩⅣ.Environmental Monitoring and Management
Explanation of Terms
1.Why is it urgent for China to build the Three Gorges Project?
2.What role will TGP play in controlling floods in middle and lower basin of the Yangtze?
3.Are there any other schemes that can replace TGP to solve the flood control problem in middle and lower basin of the Yangtze?
4.What is the significance of developing the Three Gorges hydropower?
5.What benefits will TGP bring to improve the navigation of the Yangtze?
6.What is the examined and approved construction scheme of TGP?How large is its scale?
7.What are the characteristics and operation mode of the TGP reservoir?What are the major impacts of TGP on ecology and environ
8.What are the major differences in their characteristics between TGP and the Aswan Project?
Ⅱ.The Study and Verification of the Impact of TGP on Environment and Ecology
Ⅲ.Species Resources
Ⅳ.Reservoir Impoundment and Resettlement
Ⅴ.Natural Landscape and Historic Heritage
Ⅵ.Water Quality
Ⅶ.Environmental Geology
Ⅷ.Reservoir Sedimentation and Downstream Channel Scouring
Ⅸ.Public Health
Ⅹ.Impact on the Environment and Ecology of the Plain and Lake Regions in the Middle and Lower Reaches of the Yangtze
Ⅺ.Impacts on the Estuary Ecosystem and Environment
Ⅻ.Environment in Construction Site
ⅩⅢ.Other Public Concern of Environmental Issues
ⅩⅣ.Environmental Monitoring and Management
Explanation of Terms
1.Why is it urgent for China to build the Three Gorges Project?
2.What role will TGP play in controlling floods in middle and lower basin of the Yangtze?
3.Are there any other schemes that can replace TGP to solve the flood control problem in middle and lower basin of the Yangtze?
4.What is the significance of developing the Three Gorges hydropower?
5.What benefits will TGP bring to improve the navigation of the Yangtze?
6.What is the examined and approved construction scheme of TGP?How large is its scale?
7.What are the characteristics and operation mode of the TGP reservoir?What are the major impacts of TGP on ecology and environ
8.What are the major differences in their characteristics between TGP and the Aswan Project?

