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  • 外文名:Promiscuous
  • 詞性:形容詞、副詞
  • 英式音標:[prəˈmɪskjuəs]
  • 美式音標:[prəˈmɪskjuəs]


英 [prəˈmɪskjuəs] 美 [prəˈmɪskjuəs]
adj. 混雜的;雜亂的
adv. 偶然地;胡亂地


promiscuous mode 混雜模式 ; 混合模式 ; 雜亂模式 ; 混亂模式
Promiscuous Port 混雜連線埠
Force promiscuous 強制混雜模式
Promiscuous Pairing 實現了無序結對編程
multicast promiscuous 多播混雜
a promiscuous beauty 一個混雜美容 ; 混雜的美
promiscuous gene expression 異位基因表達
promiscuous mod 否混雜模式
promiscuous recognition 原模糊識別


  • She is perceived as vain, spoiled, and promiscuous. 她被認為是個虛榮、嬌生慣養、淫亂的女人。
  • What do you mean by "promiscuous"? 你所謂的隨便是什麼意思?
  • Alec knew that she was promiscuous and superficial. 亞歷克知道她是亂七八糟和淺薄的。
  • People are far more promiscuous, it seems, on foreign holidays. 在外國度假時,人們似乎會很更濫情。
  • The level of promiscuous gene expression was detected by RT-PCR. 利用RT - PCR方法檢測小鼠胸腺異位基因表達水平。
  • From this promiscuous breed, that race now called Americans have arisen. 由這種混雜而繁衍產生了一個現叫作美國人的種族。
  • This is absolutely in promiscuous seeing and hearing, it is false news. 這絕對是在混淆視聽,是假新聞。
  • Did all men secretly want their women promiscuous and emotionally detached? 男人真的是心底里都希望和女人不帶感情牽絆的亂搞嗎?
  • The results were consistent: when it comes to online news, Britons are shamelessly promiscuous. 這些(調查)結果是一致的:當提到新聞線上(問題)時,英國人會毫不羞愧地(表達對該問題的)混亂(想法).
  • DOCTYPE does not exist or incorrectly formatted document will lead to promiscuous mode rendering. DOCTYPE不存在或格式不正確會導致文檔以混雜模式呈現。
  • As you can see, on this system the interfaces are not promiscuous, but there is an infected file. 正如你可以看到,在這個系統的接口不亂,但有一個受感染的檔案。
  • Wild bonobos (those few that have been watched carefully, at any rate) do not seem overly promiscuous. 至少那些為數不多被認真觀察過的野生倭黑猩猩並不會過度混交。
  • She'd never been promiscuous, but in all those years she'd been on the stage naturally there'd been episodes. 她從來不是個朝三暮四、到處亂搞的女人,然而演了那么多年的戲,自然也有過一些插曲。
  • Promiscuous roosters try to ensure that their genes are passed on by mating with as many females as possible. 她說:“母雞會把多數低等的遺傳因子排出體外,以確保其統治地位。
  • Fellows talk about promiscuous girls, but they aren't interested in them | as people - and they seldom marry one. 男人們經常談論作風不檢點的女孩子,但他們並非欣賞她們的為人,也很少與之結婚。
  • She is self-centered, deceitful, manipulative, promiscuous and enjoys the chaos and drama caused by her bad choices. 她很自我中心,不老實,善於操縱,行為隨便,喜歡做些雜亂無章戲劇性的不好選擇。
  • Those boys that become young fathers may have inherited noncommittal, promiscuous behaviour from their absent fathers. 這些成為年輕爸爸的男孩可能繼承了他們父親缺乏責任感以及混亂的生活行為的特點。
  • SYS driver to place the Ethernet Interface Card in promiscuous mode to capture all the packets that travel through the network. SYS驅動設定乙太網接口卡為混雜模式,用來捕獲所有網路上的數據包。
  • The first is promiscuous connections, a situation where the channels accept a broad range of connections in addition to the intended ones. 第一個問題是混雜連線,此情形是通道接受除預定連線之外的大量連線。
  • Anchored to the base of the TIR1 pocket, auxin binds to a partially promiscuous site, which can also accommodate various auxin analogues. 與TIR 1結合區的鹼基連線後,植物生長素綁定到局部雜亂結合域,該結合域也能容納不同的生長素類似物。
  • Objective To detect the relationship between the promiscuous gene expression in thymus and the diseases of self-tolerance and self-reaction. 目的探討胸腺異位基因表達與自身耐受及自身免疫病的相互關係。
  • As languages go, English is a notoriously promiscuous one, borrowing caricatures from Italian, chutzpah from Yiddish and faux pas from French. 從語言角度來說,英語在“雜交”方面可以說是惡名昭著,它將義大利語的滑稽荒誕、意第緒語的肆無忌憚和法語的不拘小節全都兼容並蓄。
  • By altering the small animal's brain hormone chemistry, scientists have made a promiscuous meadow vole faithful - just like its prairie vole cousin. 通過改變小動物的腦激素的化學成分,科學家使得一隻胡搞瞎搞的田鼠和他的表親草原田鼠一樣忠誠。
  • According to the analysis of different spectrum character, bands selection oriented to land cover sorts that easy to be promiscuous is carried through. 結合地面實測地物光譜詳細分析不同地物光譜特性,進行面向土地覆蓋易混類別的波段選擇;
  • A lot of patients or family member inquiry concern the periodicity that changes cure or issue of period of treatment, and constant will both promiscuous. 很多病人或家屬詢問有關化療的周期數或療程問題,並常將兩者混淆。
  • Deregulation of GDS in Europe will mean that agencies will probably need to be promiscuous and connect to multiple GDS to cover the entire product range. 在歐洲對於使用GDS的解除管制和規定的實施將使代理商很可能變得有些凌亂並連線到多個GDS以便覆蓋其所有的產品線。


