One of the most outstanding features at the beginning of this period was the prominence of Germanic generals in the high command of the Roman Imperial army. 這一時期初期最突出的特點之一是日耳曼將軍在羅馬帝國軍隊中的顯著地位。youdao
He came to prominence during the World Cup. 他在該世界盃期間一舉成名。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
Crime prevention had to be given more prominence. 犯罪預防得給予更多重視。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
She has achieved a prominence she hardly deserves. 她實在不配享有這么大的名聲。《牛津詞典》
The newspapers have given undue prominence to the story. 報章對這件事的報導太多了。《牛津詞典》
Behavior science courses should be gaining prominence in business school curricula. 行為科學課程應該在商學院的課程中得到重視。youdao
The articles in the front of the magazine, which once flowed into one another, now stand on their own, to gain prominence. 雜誌封面上的文章,曾經是一篇接一篇的,現在已經自己獨立出來,以獲得關注。youdao
The web has allowed new providers of news, from individual bloggers to sites, to rise to prominence in a very short space of time. 網路讓新的新聞提供者,從個人部落格寫手到網站,在很短的時間內脫穎而出。youdao
Moves by Barcelona and Venice to deal with the phenomenon of "over-tourism" through the use of charges have recently gained prominence. 巴塞隆納和威尼斯以收費的方式解決“過度旅遊”現象的舉措最近得到了關注。youdao
Some hoped his rise to prominence would have a big impact on white Americans, too, challenging those who still harbour racist sentiments. 一些人希望他的聲名鵲起也會對美國白人產生重大影響,挑戰那些仍懷有種族主義情緒的人。youdao
A badly run "year of culture" washes in and washes out of a place like a tide, bringing prominence for a spell but leaving no lasting benefits to the community. 運作不力的“文化年”如潮水般在一個地方湧進湧出,帶來一時的風光,但並沒有給當地帶來持久的好處。youdao
Since 1980, productivity improvements in manufacturing have moved the United States from a position of acute decline in manufacturing to one of world prominence. 自1980年以來,製造業生產率的提高已使美國從製造業急劇衰退的境地成為世界矚目的國家之一。youdao
The prominence of the name does in no sense give sanction to the thing. 名字的突出絕不意味著這件事得到認可。youdao
The movie shows the prominence erupting. 影片展示了這次顯著的噴發。youdao
Judges know their prominence carries risks. 法官們知道,自己的聲望會帶來風險。youdao
The Earth would easily fit below the prominence on the right. 地球可以輕易地塞到右邊那個日珥的下面空檔里。youdao
Give them the glory they so richly deserve. Lift them to prominence. 極力吹捧他們,將應得的榮耀歸給他們,凸顯他們的傑出地位。youdao
Some said Schmidt was just downplaying Google's prominence in search. 有些人認為,施密特不過是有意藉此淡化谷歌的搜尋壟斷地位。youdao
An item of prominence on the conference agenda was infant health care. 會議議程上的一項重要議題是嬰兒保健。youdao
I want a front page retraction - due prominence - in next week's Sunday Times. 我希望在下周的星期日泰晤士報上看到一個突出的頭版新聞。youdao
Upon Rolfe's return to Virginia, he assumed more prominence in the colony. 羅爾夫回到維吉尼亞之後,他取得了更傑出的成就。youdao
This ability has helped the Indian outsourcing industry achieve prominence. 這一能力曾幫助了印度外包業取得成功。youdao
The COE usually gets more powers and prominence depending on successful outcomes. 取決於成功的結果,COE一般會獲得更多的權力和地位。youdao
A prominence eruption captured by the Solar Dynamics Observatory on March 30, 2010. 2010年3月30日,太陽動力學天文台捕捉到的日珥噴發。youdao
Selected as it rocketed to prominence in midyear, driven by growth and popularity of blogs. 因部落格成長與流行而使此字於年中出現率飆升而中選。youdao
When a company of Apple's prominence slips up badly, it will inevitably be called to account. 當名聲顯赫如蘋果這般的公司犯錯誤時,不可避免地會被媒體報導。youdao