Principle of Structural Design(結構設計原理)(第3版)

Principle of Structural Design(結構設計原理)(第3版)

《Principle of Structural Design(結構設計原理)(第3版)》是2019年人民交通出版社出版的圖書,作者是張建仁。


  • 中文名:Principle of Structural Design(結構設計原理)(第3版)
  • 作者:張建仁
  • 出版時間:2019年9月
  • 出版社人民交通出版社
  • ISBN:9787114149856
  • 類別:圖書>建築>建築科學>建築結構
  • 開本:16 開
  • 裝幀:平裝-膠訂
This book is a bilingual textbook a national level excellent course textbook. This book was edited based on therequirements of teaching advisory committee of civil engineering or road, bridge and crossing engineeringprofessions and in accordance to the latest standards of P. R. of China and provisions of Ministry of Transportation.This book compressively introduces the mechanical behaviors of design principles of reinforced concrete structures, prestressed concrete structures and masonry structures. The second edition of this book has been much revisedbased on the advices of authors and many teachers who teach this subject sufficiently.This book can be used as a bilingual textbook not only for civil engineering or road, bridge and crossingengineering professions in advanced schools, but also for overseas students who major in the related professions.Moreover, the book can be used as a reference for engineers home and abroad who engage in the bridge design andmanagement field.本書為*精品課程教材,且為雙語教材。本書根據高等學校土木工程、道路橋樑與渡河工程專業結構設計原理課程的教學要求,參照中華人民共和國國家和交通行業現行標準與規範,對公路橋涵所用的鋼筋混凝土結構、預應力混凝土結構、圬工結構的各種基本受力構件進行全面介紹。本書再版是在使用實踐、充分聽取任課教師意見的基礎上進行的。本書可以作為高等學校土木工程、道路橋樑與渡河工程專業的雙語教材使用,也可供相關專業的外國留學生使用,同時也可供從事橋樑設計與管理的國內外專業技術人員參考。

