Playing and Reality

Playing and Reality

《Playing and Reality》是Routledge出版的圖書,作者是D. W. Winnicott


  • ISBN:9780415345460
  • 作者:D. W. Winnicott
  • 出版社:Routledge
  • 出版時間:2005年11月
  • 頁數:240
  • 定價:USD 27.50
  • 裝幀:Paperback
  • 叢書:Routledge Classics
For the pioneering psychologist D.W. Winnicott, a creative approach to the world is what makes life worth living. But what are the origins of creativity and how can we develop it - whether within ourselves or in others? Not only does Playing and Reality address these questions, it also tackles many more that surround the fundamental issue of the individual self and its relati...(展開全部) For the pioneering psychologist D.W. Winnicott, a creative approach to the world is what makes life worth living. But what are the origins of creativity and how can we develop it - whether within ourselves or in others? Not only does Playing and Reality address these questions, it also tackles many more that surround the fundamental issue of the individual self and its relationship with the outside world. In this landmark book of twentieth-century psychology he shows the reader how, through the attentive nurturing of creativity from the earliest years, every individual has the opportunity to enjoy a rich and rewarding cultural life. Today, as the 'hothousing' and testing of children begins at an ever-younger age, Winnicott's classic text is a more urgent and topical read than ever before. 唐諾‧溫尼考特的行醫生涯從小兒科開始,而後對兒童心理學愈來愈感著迷。因他與嬰幼兒接觸的豐富臨床工作經驗,而對人類發展成長的知識,做出了舉世皆知的獨特貢獻,且備受推崇。 溫尼考特長期關注的主題是:想像力的泉源何在?又是甚麼決定了個人能活得有創造力?在本書中,他接續1953年提出的論文〈過渡客體與過渡現象〉,深化其理論,藉著十一個章節來探討這個哲學家和詩人向來關注的領域。 溫尼考特稱之為「中間領域」。他認為這領域是極度私密的,介於內在和外在現實之間,它的存在與運用,全看每個人最初的生活體驗而定。假如兒童可以使用這個領域來開啟他們跟這個世界的關係,起先透過過渡客體,後來透過獨樂樂的個人遊戲,以及眾樂樂的團體遊戲,一個豐富的文化體驗就會向他們展開,他們也就可以擁有真正的創造力。 1971年,他在完成《遊戲與現實》不久,即撒手人寰。目前本書已成為心理學和精神分...(展開全部) 唐諾‧溫尼考特的行醫生涯從小兒科開始,而後對兒童心理學愈來愈感著迷。因他與嬰幼兒接觸的豐富臨床工作經驗,而對人類發展成長的知識,做出了舉世皆知的獨特貢獻,且備受推崇。 溫尼考特長期關注的主題是:想像力的泉源何在?又是甚麼決定了個人能活得有創造力?在本書中,他接續1953年提出的論文〈過渡客體與過渡現象〉,深化其理論,藉著十一個章節來探討這個哲學家和詩人向來關注的領域。 溫尼考特稱之為「中間領域」。他認為這領域是極度私密的,介於內在和外在現實之間,它的存在與運用,全看每個人最初的生活體驗而定。假如兒童可以使用這個領域來開啟他們跟這個世界的關係,起先透過過渡客體,後來透過獨樂樂的個人遊戲,以及眾樂樂的團體遊戲,一個豐富的文化體驗就會向他們展開,他們也就可以擁有真正的創造力。 1971年,他在完成《遊戲與現實》不久,即撒手人寰。目前本書已成為


