- 外文名:pinkish
- 詞性:形容詞
- 英式音標:[ˈpɪŋkɪʃ]
- 美式音標:[ˈpɪŋkɪʃ]
英 [ˈpɪŋkɪʃ] 美 [ˈpɪŋkɪʃ]
adj. 略帶桃色的;淺粉色的
Pinkish red 桃紅色 ; 鮮紅色 ; 肉紅
pinkish talc [礦業] 粉紅滑石
Pinkish Peach 粉紅自拍
Pale pinkish purple color 藕荷色
pale pinkish grey 藕色
light pinkish purple 淺粉紫
pale pinkish-purple 雪青色
- A pinkish tint once used in painting. 曾用在繪畫中的粉紅色色調。
- The pinkish object was a baby bushpig. 那個粉紅色的東西原來是一隻野豬幼崽。
- The sky at sunset has a pinkish glow. 日落時天空出現淡紅色的光輝。
- This is a somewhat pinkish organization. 這是個有點較為激進的組織。
- Vegetation is green, and bare ground is pinkish brown. 植物顯示為綠色,而空地則顯示為桃紅棕。
- The sapwood is pinkish and the heartwood pinkish-brown. 邊材為粉紅色,心材為粉紅褐色。
- Her niece's hat was decorated with some pinkish flowers. 她侄女的帽子由帶桃紅色的花裝飾。
- Australian food fish having a pinkish body with blue spots. 澳大利亞粉紅身體並有藍色斑點的食用魚。
- You see embedded spirals, right, of green, pinkish-orange, and blue? 你看見的是被嵌入的條紋,綠色,橙紅色,還有藍色,對吧?
- It is a table cloth whose colour is pinkish-red, like that of coral. 它是一種色澤略帶粉紅、像珊瑚般顏色的桌布。
- European orchid with spikes of green and pinkish or purplish flowers. 歐洲的一種蘭花,花穗狀、綠色略帶桃色或紫色。
- Of western North America having pinkish-purple flowers in open clusters. 北美西部老鸛草,分開的串上,有粉紫色花。
- The laptop monitor colour is normal, but the TV screen colour is pinkish. 這種筆記本電腦顯示器的顏色是正常的,但電視螢幕顏色是粉紅色。
- Its skin varies from yellow to dark pinkish red and is covered in soft spines. 果皮有黃色和桃紅色,覆蓋有柔軟的毛刺。
- There are no hints as to what this mystery meat is—except its strange pinkish color. 一點都看不出來這是什麼肉——只是有些粉紅 粉紅,怪怪的。
- It is flat and pinkish, with well-defined borders that can persist for days to weeks. 這是單位和粉紅色,有清晰的邊界,可以持續數天至數周。
- As you can see, you have 16 red (almost pinkish) vertical stripes inside your document. 你可以看到,你有16個紅色(幾乎是粉紅色的)在你的文檔中的垂直條紋。
- The small, foul-smelling, pinkish flowers are borne directly on the branches and trunk; 花粉紅色,小而有臭味,直接著生在枝幹上;
- So what about the pinkish-orange color of salmon? That's a special case, Mouritsen says. 那鮭魚肉的顏色為什麼又粉又橙呢?莫里特森說,這是特例。
- When the tongue is redder than its normal pinkish color, it indicates the heat syndrome. 當舌比正常的粉紅色紅時,預示著熱症。
- I'm going ro have their pale pinkish yellow diamond, called "Champagne" for my engagement ring. 我想買個訂婚戒指,就是他們生產的淺粉紅色又帶點黃色的鑽石,叫作“香檳色”。
- The best-known precious topaz gems range in color from rich yellow to light brown or pinkish red. 最出名的黃玉有各種顏色如深黃色、淡棕色、淺紅色等。
- So if you are ever wondering why Rudolph has a purplish-pinkish nose. At least you know the story. 如果你在想魯道夫為什麼有個粉紫色的鼻子,現在你知道其中的故事了。
- Product Description: Soft, plump, sweet smelling, sweet flesh, deep red to pinkish brown in color. 中文描述:柔軟,飽滿,芳香氣味,香甜的果肉,果皮深紅漸紅棕色。
- As a result, this Mosaic seems spattered with pinkish clouds of hydrogen gas surrounding massive, young stars. 結果,這張拼貼圖看起來就像在周圍的龐大的年輕恆星邊潑灑了許多粉紅色的氫氣雲一樣。
- These German imports all have a perfectly round body, linear and broad green stripes and a pinkish body colour. 這些德國進口全部有完全在周圍身體、線性和寬廣的綠色條紋和粉紅不透明色。
- In this remarkable image, a small, pinkish solar prominence can also be seen along the edge, below the diamonds. 在這張精彩的影像里,也可以看見出現在“鑽石”下方月盤邊緣的粉紅色日珥。
- She looked curiously at this lanky man with his bony stooped shoulders, his pinkish hair and calm unwavering eyes. 她滿懷好奇地瞧著這個消瘦的青年人,他那皮包骨的肩膀耷拉著,頭髮淡紅,眼神平靜而堅定。
- North American perennial having pinkish flowers in loose cymes; used in folk medicine for pain or inflammation in joints. 北美的一種多年生植物,具有粉紅色的花,聚傘花序疏散;有於民間醫藥治療關節疼痛或關節炎。