GoogleDocs(谷歌文檔) GoogleBooks(谷歌電子書) BLOGGER GoogleVoice(谷歌語音)Gmail GoogleSMS(谷歌簡訊) GoogleSync(谷歌同步) GoogleTalk GoogleMaps(谷歌地圖) GoogleStreetView(谷歌街景) YouTube PicasaWebAlbums Goo...
the screen - ability to load images using 'share' feature directly from the gallery. This makes it easy to get multiple images from the gallery into the application quicker (some devices will support Picasa web albums)...
8.Google Checkout的後台系統是和Google一年前開始在Google Earth(購買收費版的Pro、Plus)、Google Video(購買收費視頻)及Picasa Web Albums(購買額外的容量)上面所使用的是一樣的。9.儘管Google Checkout與AdWords相結合,但Google...