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frompaper 7).
12.1987a. Numerical Speci cation of Discrete Least Favorable Prior Dis-
tributions,SIAM Journal on Scienti c and Statistical Computing, 8:
No. 2,171-184.
13.1987b. Modeling the Price Dynamics of a Risky Asset with Geomet-
ricBrownian Motion Driven by Jump Mean and Variance Processes,
AmericanStatistical Association, Proceedings of the 1986 Business
andEconomics Statistics Section, 529-532.
14.1987c. Inference for Jump Di usion Stock Prices, American Statistical
Association,Proceedings of the 1986 Business and Economic Statistics
Section,107-111 (with Pickard, D., and Zakaria, A.).
15.1987d. Combining Probabilistic Assessments in Group Decision Mak-
ing,Technical Report, Sloan School of Management, M.I.T.
16.1987e. Adjusting Experts Probabilistic Forecasts: The Use and Im-
plicationof Exchangeability Assumptions in the Calibration Problem,
TechnicalReport, Sloan School of Management, M.I.T. (with Mendel,
17.1987f. Estimating the Mean of a Multivariate Normal Distribution
withLoss Equal to Squared Error Plus Complexity Cost, The Annals
ofStatistics, 15: 1389-1400.
18.1988a. Dominating Inadmissible Procedures Using Compromise Deci-
sionTheory, Decision Theory and Related Topics IV, (5.5. Gupta and
J.O.Berger, Eds.) 1: 381-396.
19.1988b. Review of Bayesian Statistics for Evaluation Research, by
WilliamE. Pollard, Journal of the American Statistical Association,
20.1988c. Controlling Risks Under Di erent Loss Functions: The Com-
promiseDecision Problem, The Annals of Statistics, 16: 1594-1608.
21.1989a. Identifying Rank-In
uentialGroups of Observations in Linear
RegressionModeling, Sloan Working Paper # 3018-89-MS.
2015年Peter教授在中國的課程PeriodCourseNumberCourse NameInstructorHome Institution8:30-10:30MAT22Introduction to Statistics 統計學概論Peter Kempthorne麻省理工大學8:30-10:30ECON11Microeconomics 個體經濟學Dror Brenner布朗大學8:30-10:30ENG11College English Writing 大學英語寫作Carole B. Davies康奈爾大學8:30-10:30POL12Comparative Government And Politics 比較政治Bradford P. Wilson普林斯頓大學10:45-12:45PHI12Introduction to Philosophy 哲學Steen C.Sehnert哥倫比亞大學10:45-12:45ENG12Public Speaking 公共演講Ofira Shraga布朗大學10:45-12:45ECON01Preparing for a business career in the US商科學生如何在美國發展職業生涯Dror Brenner布朗大學10:45-12:45ACC11Financial Accounting 財務會計TBATBA10:45-12:45HIS12American History 美國歷史Attila Pok哥倫比亞大學13:30-15:30PSY11Introduction to Psychology心理學Steen C.Sehnert哥倫比亞大學13:30-15:30ENG11College English Writing 大學英語寫作Carole B. Davies康奈爾大學13:30-15:30MAT12Calculus Ⅱ 微積分BC(含AB)Peter Kempthorne麻省理工大學13:30-15:30ACC12Managerial Accounting 管理會計TBATBA13:30-15:30POL11United States Government And Politics 美國政治Bradford P. Wilson普林斯頓大學15:45-17:45FIN21Introduction to Finance 金融學概論Dror Brenner布朗大學
Linear Algebra
Peter Kempthorne麻省理工大學15:45-17:45LIT25Introduction to Literature 英語文學Steen C.Sehnert哥倫比亞大學15:45-17:45HIS11Introduction to World History 世界歷史Attila Pok哥倫比亞大學15:45-17:45ENG12Public Speaking 公共演講Ofira Shraga布朗大學