Peter Finocchiaro

Peter Finocchiaro

Peter Finocchiaro,博士武漢大學哲學學院特聘副研究員。


  • 中文名:彼得芬諾齊亞洛
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 職業:教師
  • 專業方向:Metaphysics
  • 任職院校:武漢大學


Ph.D. Philosophy, University of Notre Dame, 2011–2017
Dissertation: Structuring Metaphysical Disputes: A Foray into Meta-Ideology (Director: Michael Rea)
B.A. Philosophy (Summa Cum Laude), Syracuse University, 2007–2011
Wuhan University
Philosophy of Science
Fall 2019
Philosophy of Language
Spring 2019
Contemporary Philosophical Issues (MA Independent Studies Seminar)
Fall 2018, Spring 2019 (Director)
Philosophical English
Fall 2018, Fall 2019
University of Notre Dame
Introduction to Philosophy
Spring 2018
Metaphysics Seminar for Majors
Fall 2017
Environmental Philosophy
Fall 2017
Rationality and Action
Spring 2017, Spring 2018
Groups: What They Are and What They Can Do Fall 2016 (with Rebecca Chan)
Death and Dying
Fall 2015


Areas of Specialization
Social Philosophy
Areas of Competence
Practical Reason
Philosophy of Language
Philosophical Logic
Philosophy of Science


Research Articles
“Ideology and Its Role in Metaphysics.” Synthese. Forthcoming.
“The Explosion of Being: Ideological Kinds in Theory Choice.” Philosophical Quarterly. Vol. 69 Issue 276 (2019) pp. 486–510.
“The Intelligibility of Metaphysical Structure.” Philosophical Studies. Vol. 176 Issue 3 (2019) pp. 581– 606.
“Yet Another ‘Epicurean’ Argument.” Philosophical Perspectives. Vol. 30 Issue 1 (2016) pp. 135–159. (with Meghan Sullivan)
Articles for Popular Audiences
“The KISS Franchise.” In progress commission for KISS and Philosophy, edited by Courtland Lewis (Chicago: Open Court Publishing House)
Colloquium Lectures and Conference Talks
“Rational Self-Deception: Confabulation and Related ‘Pathologies”’, APA Pacific Division, April 2020 (with Sam Murray)
“A Puzzle About Parsimony”, APA Central Division, February 2020
“Anchoring Sexual Orientation”, Meaning and Reality in Social Context Conference, January 2019
“Intrinsic Masking and Sexual Orientation”, Social Ontology Conference, August 2018
“High-Fidelity Metaphysics”, Wuhan University, May 2018
“High-Fidelity Metaphysics”, Philosophers’ Cocoon Philosophy Conference, October 2017
“The Intelligibility of Metaphysical Structure”, APA Central Division, March 2017
“Yet Another ‘Epicurean’ Argument”, Immortality Project Capstone Conference, UC Riverside, June 2015 (with Meghan Sullivan)
“A New Solution to the Problem of Temporary Intrinsics”, APA Central Division, February 2015
“A New Solution to the Problem of Temporary Intrinsics”, Western Michigan University, December 2013
Invited Commentaries
On “Parity, Incomparability, and Categorical Judgments” by Leo Yan, APA Eastern Division, January 2018
On “Your Intuitions Have No Effect On Me” by Moti Mizrahi, Philosophers’ Cocoon Philosophy Conference, October 2017
On “Are There Essential Properties? No.” by Meghan Sullivan, Notre Dame Colloquium Series, September 2014
Research Workshops and Panels
Visitor Workshop Series, Australian National University, August 2019, “Fidelity: A Constitutive Aim of Metaphysics”
Lunchtime Works-in-Progress Series, University of Notre Dame, April 2018, “High-Fidelity Metaphysics”
Metaphysical Mayhem, Rutgers, August 2016, “Ontologist v Ideologue”
Young Scholars Workshop, UC Riverside, May 2015, “Yet Another ‘Epicurean’ Argument”
Time Bias and Future Planning Workshop, Vancouver BC, April 2015, “Yet Another ‘Epicurean’ Argument” (with Meghan Sullivan)
Works in Progress/Under Review
Note: an * indicates that the work is under review.
High-Fidelity Metaphysics: Ideological Parsimony in Theory Choice*
These Confabulations Are Guaranteed to Save Your Marriage! Toward a Teleological Theory of Confabulation* (with Samuel Murray)
Intrinsic Masking and Sexual Orientation*
A Puzzle About Parsimony*
How to Project a Socially Constructed Sexual Orientation*
(a descendant of “Anchoring Sexual Orientation”)
Seek the Joints! Avoid the Gruesome! Fidelity as an Epistemic Value
(a descendant of “Fidelity: A Constitutive Aim of Metaphysics”)
Ontologist v Ideologue
A New Solution to the Problem of Temporary Intrinsics
Explanatory Unity and the Argument from A-Theoretic Experience
Honors, Awards, & Fellowships
Research Assistant, Immortality Project Grant, UC Riverside, PI: Meghan Sullivan. Including stipend, travel, and research funds (2014–2015)
Adjunct Professional Development Grant, Institute for Scholarship in the Liberal Arts, University of Notre Dame (2017)
Graduate Student Union Conference Presentation Grant, University of Notre Dame (2016)
Miscellaneous Travel Grants, Funded by the Philosophy Department of University of Notre Dame to present at various institutions (2011–2016)
MA Independent Studies Supervisor: Qian Xiao (Free Will), Fu Jiayi (Problem of Divine Foreknowledge)
Conference Organization
Co-Organizer, 2nd Annual Wuhan University International Conference on Explanation in Philosophy
(working title: “Explaining Philosophy 2020”), May 2020 with Timothy Perrine (Wuhan University)
Co-Organizer, Thinking About Theory Choice: A Wuhan-Leeds Workshop in Philosophy, October 2019 with Matt Lutz (Wuhan University)
Co-Organizer, Wuhan University International Conference on Explanation in Philosophy(working title:“Explaining Philosophy”), May 2019 with Matt Lutz (Wuhan University)
Manager, Time Bias and Future Planning Workshop, Vancouver BC, April 2015 under Meghan Sullivan (Notre Dame) and Preston Greene (Nanyang Technological University)
Referee Service
Referee for:
Dialectica; Erkenntnis; Mind; Philosophy and Phenomenological Research; Topoi
Departmental-Level Service
Wuhan University
Mentor for Philosophy Major (International Concentration) students, Class of 2019, 2019–2020
Wuhan University International Postdoctoral Fellowship Search Committee, Member, 2019
University of Notre Dame
Co-Organizer for Notre Dame Prospectives Week Visit, 2017, 2018
MAP (Minorities and Philosophy), ND Undergraduate Mentor, 2016–2017
Climate Committee, Member, 2016–2017
Graduate Committee, Graduate Student Representative, 2015–2016
5+ Graduate Student Cohort Representative, 2015–2016
Organizer for the Metaphysics Reading Group, 2014–2018
University-Level Service
Wuhan University
Undergraduate Mentor Program, 2018–2019, 2019–2020
University of Notre Dame
Institute for Scholarship in the Liberal Arts:
Reviewer for Graduate Student Research Awards, 2017, 2018
Reviewer for Graduate Student Professional Development Awards, 2017, 2018
Other Things I’m Proud Of
Honors Capstone Award, Syracuse University. Awarded to best senior thesis written in humanities for completion of the honors capstone project (2011)
Peterfreund Prize, Syracuse University. Awarded to the senior philosophy major that best demonstrates originality of philosophical thought and skill and style as a writer of philosophy (2011)
Philosophy Club, C.W. Baker High School. Founded and served as inaugural president of high school philosophy club (2006–2007)
Philosoraptors, University of Notre Dame. Coached and captained co-rec flag football team. Ranked top defense in league. Reached university-wide semi-finals (2015, 2016, 2017)
Associate Professorial Research Fellow, Wuhan University, School of Philosophy, 2018–Present
Adjunct Assistant Professor, University of Notre Dame, Department of Philosophy, 2017–2018
Arts & Letters Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Notre Dame, Department of Philosophy, 2016–2017

