Perfect Health for Kids

Perfect Health for Kids

《Perfect Health for Kids》是2003年Random House US出版的圖書,作者是John Douillard。


  • 中文名:Perfect Health for Kids
  • 作者:John Douillard
  • 出版社:Random House US
  • ISBN:9781556434778 


According to Ayurveda, an ancient Hindu science, health is a state of balance among the body, mind, senses and soul. This book shows specific ways to promote children's health and well-being using Ayurvedic principles. Douillard explains how to identify the signs of imminent illness, how to make the home chemical and allergen free, and how to stock a "Lazy Susan" of useful natural medicines. Appendices provide shopping lists and a directory of national health providers. Perfect Health for Kids is an accessible, illustrated guide that provides highly effective health maintenance for children.


Dr. John Douillard is the author of The 3-Season Diet and Body, Mind, and Sport, which has sold over 60,000 copies and has been printed in six languages. His book Perfect Health for Kids, was released early in 2004, followed by The Encyclopedia of Ayurvedic Massage (both 2004, North Atlantic Books). John received his Ayurvedic training in India and holds a Ph.D. in Ayurvedic medicine from the Open International University. He is the former Director of Player Development for the New Jersey Nets in the NBA. He co-directed Deepak Chopra's Ayurvedic center for eight years and has trained over 2000 Western doctors in Ayurvedic medicine. He launched a preservative-free Ayurvedic skin care line in 1998, and an Ayurvedic herbal line for health professionals in 2003. He has been teaching Ayurvedic medicine, natural health, fitness, and nutrition internationally for seventeen years. Currently he directs the LifeSpa School of Ayurveda and practices Ayurvedic and chiropractic medicine at LifeSpa in Boulder, Colorado, where he lives with his wife and six children.


