《On This Winter's Night》是由Lady Antebellum 和 Tom Douglas創作並由Lady Antebellum演唱的歌曲,收錄在專輯《A Merry Little Christma》中。
- 外文名:On This Winter's Night
- 所屬專輯:《A Merry Little Christma》
- 歌曲原唱:Lady Antebellum
- 發行日期:2006年
Lady Antebellum (戰前女神,懷舊女郎)鄉村樂團於2006年在美國田納西州納什維爾成立。由Charles Kelley(領隊,主唱) Dave Haywood(吉他手,鋼琴演奏等)和 HillaryScott(主唱)組成。
第53屆格萊美音樂獎的頒獎盛典上,Lady Antebellum 一共拿到了包括年度最佳單曲、年度最佳製作、最佳鄉村專輯、最佳鄉村組合、最佳鄉村歌曲在內的共五個獎項,成為當屆格萊美音樂獎獲獎最多的音樂人。

Lady Antebellum
This winter's night
Stars shine like silver bells
This winter's night
The mistletoe won't kiss and tell
Snowflakes fall like frosting
And I sit on the street
Strangers look like neighbors
With every smile that you meet
But here in my arms I'll keep you warm
And hold you tight
On this winter's night
(We'll look back on the year)
On this winter's night
(We'll count our blessings)
On this Winter's night
We will remember
This winter's night
Icicle lights will trim the tree
This winter's night
Wrapped a present or two for you and me
Tuck our children into bed
And dream the night away
Til' the sun dawns in the morning
With the joy of Christmas day
But here in my arms I'll keep you warm
And hold you tight
On this winter's night
