《Nothin' on You》由歌曲演唱者之一的布魯諾·馬爾斯所在的製作組合The Smeezingtons製作。在馬爾斯和菲利普·勞倫斯完成副歌創作後的一天,組合成員阿里·萊文走進錄音室,並要求由他本人來編排歌曲的鼓點。阿里製作出了一種老派的嘻哈節奏。在聽到節奏後,馬爾斯找來了一架鋼琴,並彈奏了一段旋律。這段旋律成為了歌曲的一部分。歌曲最先交給說唱歌手魯佩·菲亞斯科完成錄製,然而由於某些原因,亞特蘭大唱片公司將這首歌曲給了B.o.B。
Beautiful girls all over the world
I could be chasing but my time would be wasted
They got nothin' on you baby
Nothin' on you baby
They might say hi and I might say hey
But you shouldn't worry about what they say
'Cause they got nothin' on you baby
Nothin' on you baby
No' no' no' nothin' on you babe
No' no' nothin' on you
I know you feel where I'm coming from
Regardless of the things in my past that I've done
Most of it really was for the hell of the fun
On the carousel so around I spun (spun)
With no directions just tryna get some (some)
Tryna chase skirts, living in the summer sun (sun)
An' so I lost more than I had ever won
And honestly I ended up with none