《New First Three Years of Life》是1995年Touchstone出版社出版的圖書,作者是Burton L. White。
- 中文名:New First Three Years of Life
- 作者:Burton L. White
- 出版社:Touchstone
- 出版時間:1995年8月1日
- 頁數:384 頁
- 定價:16.99 美元
- 裝幀:Paperback
- ISBN:9780684804194
- 副標題:Completely Revised and Updated
THE MOST IMPORTANT GUIDE TO EARLY CHILDHOOD DEVELOPMENT EVER WRITTENFirst published in 1975, "The First Three Years of Life" became an instant classic. Based on Burton White's thirty-seven years of observation and research, this detailed guide to the month-by-month mental, physical, social, and emotional development of infants and toddlers has supported and guided hundreds of thousands of parents. Now completely revised and updated, it contains the most accurate information and advice available on raising and nurturing the very young child. White gives parents real-world-tested advice on: * Creating a stimulating environment for your infant and toddler* Using effective, age-appropriate discipline techniques* How to handle sleep problems* What toys you should (and should not) buy* How to encourage healthy social development* How and when to toilet-trainNo parent who cares about a child's well-being can afford to be without this book.
伯頓·L·懷特(Burton L.White):哈佛大學“哈佛學前項目”(Harvard Preschool Project)總負責人,“父母教育中心”(Center for Parent Education,位於美國麻薩諸塞州牛頓市)主管,“密蘇里‘父母是孩子的老師’項目”(Missouri New Parentsas Teachers Project)的設計人。暢銷全球數百萬冊、被翻譯成11種語言的育兒經典——《從出生到三歲:嬰幼兒能力發展與早期教育權威指南》的作者。