neglected,英語單詞,主要用作形容詞、動詞,作形容詞時譯為“被忽視的;無人照管的”,作動詞時譯為“疏於照顧;忽視;疏忽(neglect 的過去式和過去分詞)”。
- 外文名:neglected
- 詞性:形容詞、動詞
- 英式發音:[nɪˈɡlektɪd]
- 美式發音:[nɪˈɡlektɪd]
- 類型:英語單詞
neglected,英語單詞,主要用作形容詞、動詞,作形容詞時譯為“被忽視的;無人照管的”,作動詞時譯為“疏於照顧;忽視;疏忽(neglect 的過去式和過去分詞)”。
unheeded,英語單詞,主要用作形容詞,意為被忽視的;未被注意的。同近義詞 adj. 被忽視的;未被注意的ignored , neglected , unnoticed 雙語例句 Her warning went unheeded. 她的警告沒有引起重視。The advice of experts went ...
Lorenzo Sisti Lorenzo Sisti,導演、編劇、製片人,2020年參與製作電影《Neglected》。人物經歷 2020年參與製作電影《Neglected》。主要作品
湮沒,拼音 :yān mò ,注音 :ㄧㄢ ㄇㄛˋ。釋義:1、埋沒。2、清除,化為烏有。釋義 1、 [fall into oblivion;be neglected]∶埋沒 死而湮沒。——明· 張溥《五人墓碑記》湮沒於荒煙。——孫文《黃花岡七十二烈士事略·序...
隨產程進展,胎肩及胸廓一部分被擠入盆腔內,胎體摺疊彎曲,胎頭折向胎體腹側,嵌頓在一側髂窩,胎臀則嵌頓在對側髂窩或摺疊在宮腔上部,胎頸被拉長,上肢脫出入陰道,形成忽略性(嵌頓性)肩先露(neglected shoulder presentation)。此時...
本義:埋沒,不被人所知道 同本義 [be neglected;fall into oblivion;bury]始喪亂後,典章湮散。——《新唐書·魏徵傳》又如:湮沒不彰(埋沒不顯著);湮佚(埋設,散失);湮沉(湮沈;湮泯;湮昧;湮埋。埋沒)淹沒 [submerge]。如:湮枯...
隱形大熊寶螺(學名:Bistolida hirundo neglecta)是腹足綱寶螺科的軟體動物。貝殼呈卵圓形,螺層內卷。殼口狹長,外唇和內唇有細齒,齒舌紐舌形。外套膜薄、二葉型,活體幾乎完全覆蓋貝殼。螺旋部至成體時幾乎消失,成體無厴。殼...
《愛你的安東尼》(Love Anthony)是她繼《我想念我自己》(Still Alice)和《孤立無援》(Left Neglected)後的第三本小說。譯者 陳嘉寧 陳嘉寧,譯者、編輯,外交學院英語專業碩士,譯作有《沒有雙腳,所以努力奔跑》《歐巴馬:我的...
Of course, in its rapid development, there are still some problems not to be neglected .當然,在其快速發展的同時,也存在著一些不容忽視的問題。He took little rapid steps from one man to another, showing each man the ...
1、Su B. *, Enders M, & Martens P. (2018) A neglected predictor of environmental damage: the ecological paw print and carbon emissions of food consumption by companion dogs and cats in China. Journal of Cleaner ...
The mantis focused too much on its prey and neglected a bird behind staring covetously at it.這隻螳螂太專注在它的獵物上,它疏忽了有一隻鳥在其身後,正虎視眈眈地注視著它。Many masters who represented their own faction...
Bronzino's stature as one of the great painters of the Florentine Renaissance has long been recognized. By contrast, his literary achievements as a poet have been neglected. Originally published in 2000, this study focuses...
neuropsychological syndromes associated with stroke and degenerative dementias, but also with other common clinical conditions, such as multiple sclerosis, head injury, epilepsy and psychiatric disorders, which are often neglected ...
Axial build-in force does has a certain effect on pipeline's transversely displacement but it is usually to be neglected in concrete calculation.軸向嵌固力對管道的橫向位移有一定程度的影響,但在具體計算時往往被忽略。
The electrochemical oxidation of marmatite should not be neglected in the sulfuric acid leaching.在鐵閃鋅礦硫酸浸出過程中,其電化學氧化作用不容忽視。The abundant pyrrhotine and marmatite in ore showed that the ore-forming ...
With the market economy in our country, the pragmatistic ideas have a strong impact on the traditional teaching ideas. The humanistic function of history education has long been neglected.在我國市場經濟的衝擊下,實用主義的...
Drama That Follows Sisters Amy And Lou Fleming And Their Grandfather, Jack, Through The Highs And Lows Of Life On A Horse Ranch. Amy Continues To Keep Her Mother’s Dream Alive By Healing Abused And Neglected Horses...
《Deadly Embrace》是由David DeCoteau執導,簡-麥可·文森特、Jack Carter、Mindi Miller主演的一部電影。劇情簡介 A beautiful but horny and neglected Beverly Hills wife hires a hot young stud as a gardener. It eventually ...