



  • 外文名:narration
  • 詞性:名詞


英[nəˈreɪʃn; næˈreɪʃn]美[nəˈreɪʃn,næˈreɪʃn]


grand narration宏大敘事 ; 大敘事 ; 現了一個大敘事
historical narration歷史敘事 ; 歷史敘述
narration stratification敘述分層


  • 1Its story-within-a-story method of narration is confusing.它那故事裡套故事的敘述方法令人迷惑。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 2Then he suddenly changed the image or narration to remind us how different the animals are, how unlike humans.後來他突然改變了圖像或敘述,提醒我們動物有多么不同,與人類有多么不同。
  • 3My First Story Reader features two play modes, one with narration, the other that asks questions about the images on each page.我的第一個故事閱讀器有兩種播放模式,一種是敘述模式,另一種模式會對每一頁圖像進行發問。
  • 4He has recorded the narration for the production.他錄製了這部作品的解說詞。《牛津詞典》
  • 5As soon as the crew gets back from lunch, we can put your narration on it right away.工作人員吃過午飯一回來,我們就能馬上把你的解說加在上面。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 6This novel uses the first person in narration.這部小說採用了第一人稱敘述的方法。
  • 7Add Music, Sounds or Narration to PowerPoint presentations.在PowerPoint 2007中添加音樂、聲音和敘述。
  • 8He USES first person narration in his novel the Danzig Trilogy.他的《但澤三部曲》主要使用了第一人稱敘述。
  • 9The female consciousness of Zhang Ailing is showed in her narration .張愛玲的女性意識,就在她的敘事中表現了出來。
  • 10Meanwhile, narration is the basic means to children's moral education.同時,敘事是兒童道德教育的基本途徑之一。
  • 11News is a kind of typical narration, and it belongs to narrative study.新聞是一種典型的敘事,理應納入敘事學的研究範疇。
  • 12As the crew gets back from lunch, we can put your narration on it right away.工作人員吃過午飯回來後,我們就能馬上把你的解說加上去。
  • 13Plane and perceptual narration is an outstanding character of mass literature.本文認為平面的、感性的敘事是大眾文學的重要特徵。
  • 14That’s not to say you can’t enjoy an audio narration of a novel or even a bit of poetry.這不是說你不可以用它來收聽有聲小說,或是有聲小詩。
  • 15In any time, The daily life narration is an important constituent of literary narration.在任何時期,日常生活敘事都是文學敘事的重要組成部分。
  • 16Add narration to the project, either by recording audio or by converting text to speech.將旁白加入項目,無論是通過錄製聲音還是文字轉語音。
  • 17For law cognition or value judgement, history is endued with meanings by way of narration.不論是規律認識,還是價值判斷,歷史由敘述賦予意義。
  • 18Ask your client to list the deal points.This can be in the form of a list, outline or narration.要求你的客戶列出契約交易的要點,也可以說是契約的清單、目錄或概述。
  • 19Ask your client to list the deal points. This can be in the form of a list, outline or narration.要求你的客戶列出契約交易的要點,也可以說是契約的清單、目錄或概述。
  • 20Narrator the narration not necessarily verbally but physically and in the form of manifestation.講述並不必然是口頭上的,也以身相和化現的形式來表現。
  • 21Remove parts you don't want and add your own soundtrack , narration, titles and stunning effects.刪除部分你不想和添加自己的音樂,旁白,字幕和令人驚嘆的效果。
  • 22In many places narration in the ballads is in the third person and, occasionally, in direct speech.在許多地方民謠的敘述是以第三人稱,偶爾,是以直接的引語。
  • 23The paper adopts quality research method, and appears and analyzes the materials by story narration.研究方法採取質性研究,以故事敘說作為資料呈現與分析的方式。
  • 24A detailed Powerpoint slide show with voice narration (60 slides, ~ 52 minutes, ~ 50 MB) is downloadable.這裡有一份詳細的演說幻燈片,語帶音旁白(60張幻燈片,52分鐘,50 MB)點擊這裡下載。
  • 25The different interlacement and alternation of all above four of rhythm speeds make daedal narration rhythm.以上四種節奏速度的不同穿插和交替運用,可以構成千變萬化的敘述節奏。
  • 26Here is narration to help explain the numbered steps shown in Figure 2 (the application pseudo code is shown in Listing 1).這裡的敘述幫助解釋圖2所示的已編號的步驟(應用程式偽代碼在清單1中給出)。
  • 27Veteran actress Nancy Kwan (of Suzie Wong fame) narrates, but the never-ending narration makes it hard for viewers to breathe.資深演員關南施(因《蘇絲黃的世界》而出名)在片中現身,但她囉里囉嗦的敘述實在讓人倒胃口。


