NGC 7635又稱泡沫星雲,這個星星和熾熱氣體的組合看起來就像是飄浮在宇宙中的一個幻影。這個僅僅10光年寬的泡沫星雲,距離我們約 11,000光年,跨在仙王座和仙后座之間。這個氣泡狀結構位於仙后星座中,距離地球大約7100光年,直徑大約為6光年。輻射星雲是一種高溫氣體雲,雲中的原子被附近恆星的紫外線激活到高能狀態。當它們重新回到較低能量狀態時,會輻射出能量。照片顯示,一個精緻、美麗的巨大氣泡正漂浮於遙遠的氣泡星雲之中。
原文:LHA 120-N55, or N55 as it is usually known, is aglowing gas cloudin theLarge Magellanic Cloud(LMC), a satellite galaxy of the Milky Way located about 163 000 light-years away. N55 is situated inside a supergiant shell, or superbubble called LMC 4.Superbubbles, often hundreds of light-years across, are formed when the fierce winds from newly formed stars and shockwaves from supernova explosions work in tandem to blow away most of the gas and dust that originally surrounded them and create huge bubble-shaped cavities.
The material that became N55, however, managed to survive as a small remnant pocket of gas and dust. It is now a standalone nebula inside the superbubble and a grouping of brilliant blue and white stars — known as LH 72 — also managed to form hundreds of millions of years after the events that originally blew up the superbubble. The LH 72 stars are only a few million years old, so they did not play a role in emptying the space around N55. The stars instead represent a second round of stellar birth in the region.