- 中文名:My Angel for a Day
- 歌 手 : Marc Terenzi
- 語 言 : 英語
- 發行時間 : 2005-09-12
歌名:My Angel for a Day
歌 手:Marc Terenzi語 言:英語 發行時間:2005-09-12 歌手簡介:歌手簡介:Marc.Terenzi,全名Marc Eric Terenzi, 1978年6月27日出生在美國的麻薩諸塞洲,他三歲時開始接受祖母的音樂訓練,七歲時 母親教他鋼琴,後來他父親給了他一把吉它做為聖誕禮物 ,他開始自學吉他。 Marc是男孩樂隊Natural的前成員之一。是Natural的主唱和發起人. 1999年夏成軍於佛羅里達州奧蘭多,隨後發跡於德國的男孩團體Natural, 去年底循The Backstreet Boys模式進軍美國市場。他們和前輩一樣擁有俊俏的臉龐、 燦爛的笑容與鄰家大哥哥般的親和力,但不同的是,這五個男孩並非節奏藍調、 流行舞曲演唱組合,一身黑的他們是個真正演奏各自樂器的紮實。單飛後,Marc.Terenzi的曲風略有改變,從以前帶一點點朋克風格的流行風格轉為更為通俗大眾的風格。 憑藉獨特的聲音以及一首個人單曲Love To Be Loved By You迅速在德國以及歐美走紅,單曲強勢占領2005德國排行榜亞軍,並揮軍直入歐陸各國排行榜TOP 10。樂團。Marc.Terenzi,全名Marc Eric Terenzi, 1978年6月27日出生在美國的麻薩諸塞洲,他三歲時開始接受祖母的音樂訓練,七歲時 母親教他鋼琴,後來他父親給了他一把吉它做為聖誕禮物 ,他開始自學吉他。 Marc是男孩樂隊Natural的前成員之一。是Natural的主唱和發起人. 1999年夏成軍於佛羅里達州奧蘭多,隨後發跡於德國的男孩團體Natural, 去年底循The Backstreet Boys模式進軍美國。

Artist:marc terenzi
Songs Title:my angel for a day
Last night
I made a crazy deal
I wished for
An angel comes to me
But she can stay just for a day
And then she’ll go away
I wished that
In my life she’d always stay
My angel for a day
I’m begging her to stay
She walks on wild flowers
With a smile on her face
My Valentine all day
She’s more than i can take
She says we are just perfect
But only ...for today
She kissed me
And she loves me all the way
She cares for
The prayers I’ve always made
And she can stay just for a day
And then she went by
I wished that
She always would be mine
She cares for
The prayers I’ve always made
My angel for a day
I’m begging her to stay
She walks on wild flowers
With a smile on her face
My Valentine all day
She’s more than i can take
She says we are just perfect
But only
My angel for a day
I’m begging her to stay
She walks on wild flowers
With a smile on her face
My Valentine all day
She’s more than i can take
She says we are just perfect
But only ... for today