More Telescope Power

More Telescope Power


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Meteors, Meteorites, and Life.
3 The Moon.
Physical Characteristics and Motions of the Moon.
ACTIVITY 3-1. Observing the Eccentricity of the Moon s Orbit .
The Moon s Phases.
ACTIVITY 3-2. Keeping Track of Lunar and Solar Motions.
Moon Features.
ACTIVITY 3-3. Simulating Crater Formation.
ACTIVITY 3-4. The Rays of Copernicus.
ACTIVITY 3-5. The Central Peak of Tycho.
ACTIVITY 3-6. The Mountains near Schickard.
ACTIVITY 3-7. Masking Your Telescope s Aperture.
Eclipses of the Moon and the Sun.
Lunar Occultations.
ACTIVITY 3-8. Observing Lunar Occultations.
The Moon and Earth s Tides.
ACTIVITY 3-9. Observing the Moon s Effect on the Tides.
The Astronaut s Moon.
4 Comets.
Comets in Myth and History.
Visual Aspects of Comets.
ACTIVITY 4-1. Sketching a Comet As Viewed through Your Telescope.
ACTIVITY 4-2. Estimating the Size of a Comet s Coma.
ACTIVITY 4-3. Keeping Track of a Comet s Progress.
ACTIVITY 4-4. Observing Changes in a Comet s Tail.
Where Do Comets Come From?
ACTIVITY 4-5. Observing Stellar Occultations by Comets.
Comets and the Solar System s Evolution.
Comet Exploration.
ACTIVITY 4-6. Comet Viewing with Color Filters.
5 The Sun.
The Visible Sun.
Observing the Sun.
ACTIVITY 5-1. The Sun s Spectrum.
The Solar Interior.
The Active Sun and the Earth.
ACTIVITY 5-2. Using Sunspot Observations to DetermineSolar Rotation.
ACTIVITY 5-3. Monitoring Solar Activity.
Solar Energy.
The Sun s Future.
6 The Planets.
The Planets in History.
ACTIVITY 6-1. A Scale Model of Solar-System Distancesand Planet Sizes.
Types of Planets.
Viewing the Planets.
ACTIVITY 6-2. Observing Mercury.
ACTIVITY 6-3. Observing the Atmosphere of Venus.
ACTIVITY 6-4. Observing Venus s Phases andChanges in Size.
ACTIVITY 6-5. Coordinated Mars Observations.
ACTIVITY 6-6. Atmospheric Variation and Mars s Canals.
ACTIVITY 6-7. Observing the Jovian Moons with a Reticle Eyepiece.
ACTIVITY 6-8. Identifying the Large Moons of Jupiter by Brightness.
ACTIVITY 6-9. Filter and Reticle Observations of Jupiter s CloudBands and the Great Red Spot.
ACTIVITY 6-10. Observing and Estimating the Size of Saturn s Rings.
ACTIVITY 6-11. Observing Saturn through Color Filters.
7 The Stars.
The Variety of Stars.
The Significance of Star Colors.
Binary and Multiple Stars.
ACTIVITY 7-1. Observing Some Colorful Binary Stars.
Mizar and Alcor.
ACTIVITY 7-2. Reticle Observations of Binary Stars.
ACTIVITY 7-3. Color-Filter Observations of Binary Stars.
Variable Stars.
Deep-Sky Objects.
ACTIVITY 7-4. Observing M42 through Color Filters.
ACTIVITY 7-5. Counting the Pleiades.
ACTIVITY 7-6. The Milky Way Galaxy and M31, the Great Spiral Galaxyin Andromeda.
Appendix A: A Note about Measurement.
Appendix B: How to Use a Reticle Eyepiece.
Appendix C: Lunar and Solar Eclipse Table.
Appendix D: Planet Data Table.
Appendix E: Seasonal Finder Charts.
Reading List: To Dig Deeper.


