- 中文名:病態,不健全
- 外文名:morbidity
- 詞性:名詞
《犯罪心理morbidity》是當歸塵創作的純愛小說,發表於晉江文學網。作品簡介 在亞特的一生中有兩個最重要的人,一個讓他患病,一個治癒了他。或許,有人會問,為什麼亞特會相信只見過一面的reid?但是,為什麼有那么多的受害者,為什麼...
病態固執(morbidity ohstinacy)是指由於挫折是一個人一再重複同樣的行為,儘管反覆多次毫無結果,但他仍要繼續這種行為。由於這種行為具有強制性的特點,他們往往不能被更適當的反應所取代。如精神病種的強迫症患者就是病態固執的典型例子...
of development, the initial response to treatment, the dose of drugs in use and data hemodynamic and tissue perfusion sequential. Some characteristics of the patient, considered important as the presence of co-morbidity and...
Morbidity and mortality of cerebral apoplexy.腦卒中的發病率和死亡率。Meditation can increase the thickness of the cerebral cortex, particularly in regions associated with attention and sensation.冥想能增加大腦皮質的厚度,特別是在...
Too few proteins lead to night blindness, perifollicular hyperkeratosis, xerophthalmia, increased morbidity and mortality in young children.蛋白質太少會導致夜盲症,濾泡性角化過度,乾眼症,幼兒發病率和死亡率增加。Objective To ...
完全性結舌 雙語例句 Methods Literature on the morbidity of ankyloglossia was searched in CNKI and was then analyzed.方法通過CNKI檢索關於舌系帶過短髮病率的文獻資料進行分析討論。
The aim of this study was to assess the rhomboid flap's role in promoting primary healing in recurrent pilonidal disease and to evaluate morbidity and recurrence.這項研究的目的旨在評估菱形皮瓣在促進復發性性藏毛疾病癒合之...
has been achieved in the treatment of wounds, epidermolysis bullosa and ichthyosis.前期的臨床實驗在治療創傷,大皰性表皮鬆解症和魚鱗病上已經取得了進展。Ichthyosis's morbidity factor is various.魚鱗病的發病因素是多方面的。
Recent findings: Despite advances in lithotripsy technology, bleeding continues to be a cause of patient morbidity in percutaneous nephrolithotomy.最近發現:儘管碎石技術有所進步,在經皮腎鏡取石術中出血仍是引起患者死亡的原因。Pu...
Ngo, N.S., Bao, X. and Zhong, N., 2018. Local pollutants go global: The impacts of intercontinental air pollution from China on air quality and morbidity in California.Environmental research. Volume 165, Page 473-...
Conclusion the early surgery could avoid the risk of aneurysmal re-rupture and decrease the morbidity of the main complications.結論早期手術可規避顱內破裂動脈瘤再出血的風險,降低主要併發症發生率。
Mass treatment with ivermectin may reduce the incidence of head lice infestation and associated morbidity in resource-poor communities.利用伊維菌素進行集體治療,可能降低貧窮社區內頭虱症感染的發生率以及頭虱症導致的死亡率。
Conclusion. Wide or marginal en bloc excision of sacral chordoma and chondrosarcoma is associated with significant improvement in disease-free survival with acceptable perioperative morbidity rate.結論。廣泛或邊緣性整塊切除骶骨脊索...
The primary hypophysitis has a low morbidity and the final diagnosis is mostly determined based on the pathological findings after operation.原發性垂體炎發病率較低,多數在手術後根據病理結果得以確診。Autoimmune hypophysitis is ...