創作背景 2020年,利爾·納斯·X到朋友家做客,而那時的他對那位朋友很有好感,同時他還聯想到了電影《
請以你的名字呼喚我 》的情節,於是創作了該曲,並以自己的本名Montero命名該曲。利爾·納斯·X認為異性戀的歌曲中已經有許多露骨直白的歌詞,但對同性之間的性慾描繪的歌曲卻不多見,於是他在歌詞中毫不避諱地描繪同性間的性慾,並希望聽眾聽了不會感到奇怪。
MONTERO (Call Me By Your Name)
歌曲歌詞 I caught it bad just today
You hit with me with a call to your place
Ain't been out in a while anyway
Was I hoping I could catch you throwin' smiles at my face
Romantic talking You don't even have to try
You're cute enough to f**k with me tonight
Lookin' at the table all I see is weed and white
Baby you livin' the life but nigga you ain't living right
Cocaine and drinking witcha' friends
You live in the dark, boy, I cannot pretend
I'm not fazed, only here to sin
If Eve ain't in your garden, you know that you can
Call me when you want
Call me when you need
Call me in the morning
I'll be on the way
Call me when you want
Call me when you need
Call me out by my your name
I'll be on the way, like
I wanna sell what you're buying
I wanna feel on your ass in Hawaii
I want that jet lag from f**kin' and flyin'
Sh**t a child in your mouth while I'm ridin'
Oh, oh... Why me
A sign of the times every time that I speak
A dime and a nine, it was mine every week
What a time, an incline, God was shining on me
Now I can't leave
And now I'm actin' hella elite
Never walk with niggas that's in my league
I want to f**k the ones I envy (I envy)
Cocaine and drinking witcha' friends
You live in the dark, boy, I cannot pretend
I'm not fazed, only here to sin
If Eve ain't in your garden, you know that you can
Call me when you want
Call me when you need
Call me in the morning
I'll be on the way
Call me when you want
Call me when you need
Call me by your name
I'll be on the way, like
Call me by your name
Tell me you love me in private
Call me by your name
I do not care if you're lying
歌曲鑑賞 該曲探討了“同志”情慾,並結合地獄撒旦等禁忌主題,歌詞中聽眾能感受到利爾·納斯·X正熾熱地愛著一個人。歌詞中利爾·納斯·X也在慶祝自我認同,其中包含一段他給14歲的自己的支持宣言:“我知道我們保證永遠不會公開出櫃,我知道我們保證永遠不會成為‘那’類的同性戀,我知道我們保證會帶著秘密死去,但這么做可以為許多其他酷兒族群敞開正當存在的大門。”這段歌詞美麗且有力量。
歌曲MV 該曲MV的編舞是Kelly Yvonne,鋼管舞的靈感來自FKA twigs的《
Cellophane 》MV。而創作地獄的畫面的靈感則是由於利爾·納斯·X從小被“同性戀會下地獄”這句話“洗腦”,使得他在青少年時期非常厭惡自己的性傾向,所以一方面他希望通過該MV讓宗教人士感受到他的憤怒與抗議,另一方面,從天使墜入地獄,到與撒旦性感熱舞,甚至篡位成為撒旦,都是他在表達解放自己的一種方式。
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