Modern geometry-methods and applications現代幾何學方法和套用

Modern geometry-methods and applications現代幾何學方法和套用

《Modern geometry-methods and applications現代幾何學方法和套用》是1999年世界圖書出版公司出版的圖書。


  • 書名:Modern geometry-methods and applications現代幾何學方法和套用
  • 作者: B.A.Dubrovin、A.T.Fomenko、S.P.Novikoc
  • 出版社:世界圖書出版公司
  • 出版時間:1999年
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • ISBN:9787506212649


In expositions of the elements of topology it is customary for homology to be given a fundamental role. Since Poincare, who laid the foundations of topology, homology theory has been regarded as the appropriate primary basis for an introduction to the methods of algebraic topology. From homotopy theory, on the other hand, only the fundamental group and covering-space theory have traditionally been included among the basic initial concepts. Essentially all elementary classical textbooks of topology (the best of which is, in the opinion of the present authors, Seifert and Threlfall's A Textbook of Topology) begin with the homology theory of one or another classof complexes. Only at a later stage (and then still from a homological point of view) do fibre-space theory and the general problem of classifying homotopy classes of maps (homotopy theory) come in for consideration. However, methods developed in investigating the topology of differentiable manifolds, and intensively elaborated from the 1930s onwards (by Whitney and others), now permit a wholesale reorganization of the standard exposition Of the fundamentals of modern topology. In this new approach, which resembles more that of classical analysis, these fundamentals turn out to consist primarily of the elementary theory of smooth manifolds, homotopy theory based on these, and smooth fibre spaces. Furthermore, over the decade of the 1970s it became clear that exactly this complex of topological ideas and methods were proving to be fundamentally applicable in various areas of modern physics.


CHAPTER 1 Homology and Cohomology. Computational Recipes
1.Cohomology groups as classes ofclosed differential forms Their homotopy invariance
2.The homology theory ofalgebraic complexes
3.Simplicial complexes. Their homology and cohomology groups The classification of the two-dimensional closed surfaces
4.Attaching cells to a topological space. Cell spaces. Theorems on the reduction of cell spaces. Homology groups and the fundamental groups of surfaces and certain other manifolds
5.The singular homology and cohomology groups. Their homotogy invariance. The exact sequence of a pair. Relative homology groups
6.The singular homology of cell complexes. Its equivalence with cell homology. Poincare duality in simplicial homology
7.The homology groups ofa product ofspaces. Multiplication in cohomology rings. The cohomology theory of H-spaces and Lie groups. The cohomology of the unitary groups
8.The homology theory offibre bundles (skew products)
9.The extension problem for maps, homotopies, and cross-sections Obstruction cohomology classes
9.1. The extension problem for maps
9.2. The extension problem for homotopies
9.3. The extension problem for cross-sections
10. Homology theory and methods for computing homotopy groups.
The Cartan-Serre theorem. Cohomology operations. Vector bundles
10.1. The concept of a cohomology opcration. Examples
10.2. Cohomology operations and Eilenberg-MacLane complexes
10.3. Computation of the rational homotopy groups
10.4. Application to vector bundles. Characteristic classes
10.5. Classification of the Steenrod operations in low dimensions
10.6. Computation of the first few nontrivial stable homotopy groups of pheres
10.7. Stable homotopy classes ofmaps ofcell complexes
11. Homology theory and the fundamental group
12. The cohomology groups of hyperelliptic Riemann surfaces. Jacobitori. eodesics on multi-axis ellipsoids. Relationship to finite-gappotentials
13. The simplest properties of Kahler manifolds Abelian tori
14. Sheaf cohomology
CHAPTER 2 Critical Points of Smooth Functions and Homology Theory
15. Morse functions and cell complexes
16. The Morse inequalities
17. Morse-Smale functions. Handles. Surfaces
18. Poincare duality
19. Critical points ofsmooth functions and the Lyusternik-Shnirelman category of a manifold
20. Critical manifolds and the Morse inequalities. Functions with symmetry
21. Critical points of functionals and the topology ofthe path space (m)
22. Applications of the index theorem
23. The periodic problem of the calculus of variations
24. Morse functions on 3-dimensioal manifolds and Heegaard splittings
25. Unitary Bott periodicity and higher-dimensional variational problems
25.1. The theorem on unitary periodicity
25.2. Unitary periodicity via the two-dimensional calculus of variations
25.3. Onthogonal periodicity via the higher-dimensional calculus of variations
26. Morse theory and certain motions in the planar n-body problem
CHAPTER 3 Cobordisms and Smooth Structures
27. Characteristic numbers. Cobordisms. Cycles and submanifolds The signature of a manifold
27.1. Statement of the problem. The simplest facts about cobordisms The signature
27.2. Thom complexes. Calculation of cobordisms (modulo torsion) The signature formula. Realization of cycles as submanifolds
27.3. Some applications of the signature fonnula. The signature and the problem of the invariance of classes
28. Smooth structures on the 7-dimensional sphere. The classification problem for smooth manifolds (normal invariants). Reidemeister torsion and the fundamental hypothesis (Hauptvermutung) ofcombinatorial topology
APPENDIX 1 (by S. P. Novikov)
An Analogue of Morse Theory for Many-Valued Functions Certain Properties of Poisson Brackets
APPENDIX 2(by A. T. Fomenko) Plateau's Problem. Spectral Bordisms and Globally Minimal Surfaces in Riemannian Manifolds
Errata to Parts 1 and 11

