Mechanical Engineering Design

《Mechanical Engineering Design》,北京交通大學提供的慕課課程,授課老師是溫偉剛。


  • 中文名:Mechanical Engineering Design
  • 提供院校:北京交通大學
  • 類別:慕課
  • 授課老師:溫偉剛


Mechanical engineering design is a specialty major course for the major of mechanical and electronic engineering. The course focuses on the standard, normalized, and systematic design methods for solving the complex problem in mechatronic system. The mechanical engineering design principle and mechatronic system integration technology are taught through formal class teaching, research projects and practical training. The students can compute, analyze and design mechatronic products utilizing the principle and technology, and then propose the solutions for a typical engineering problem drawn from the practical engineering industry.


Chapter Knowledge Class hour
Chapter 1 Basic principle of mechanical and electronic system 2
Chapter 2 Design of mechatronic system 2
Chapter 3 Precision machine design 6
Chapter 4 Sensing technology 4
Chapter 5 Servo drive technology 6
Chapter 6 Computer control technology 6
Chapter 7 Model and simulation of mechatronics system 6


