



  • 軟體名稱:Marsha
  • 軟體平台:IOS
  • 軟體語言:英文
  • 軟體大小:7.0MB
  • 價格:免費
  • 支持版本:iOS 5.1 或更高版本
瑪沙醫學美容集團成立於1997年,擁有豐富專業美容服務經驗。多年來為無數顧客 提供專業、貼心、全面的一站式美容護理服務,並獲得行內專業認可及獎項。 集團初期以女士美容護理中心Marsha Beauty為主要業務,為顧客提供脫毛、纖 體、美容護理、輪廓塑造等多元化服務。隨著男性美容服務需求大增,2010年,集 團率領一眾專業顧問及美容師創立男士美容護理中心M2Beauty,務求為客人提供 最適舒、貼心的服務。 瑪沙集團繼續致力以多元化、專業及創新態度為顧客提供各種不同的美容護理服 務,並與不同類型的潛在夥伴合作,以創造更多驚喜和優惠。 Marsha Medical Therapies Group Ltd. (Marsha) is established in 1997, with extensive professional experience in beauty industry. To provide countless customers professional services, caring, comprehensive one-stop beauty care services and achieved a professional recognition and awards. In early time, our Marsha Beauty center is focused on female services only, providing hair removal, slimming, beauty care and facial shaping for customers. In addition, with the significant increase in demand for male beauty services, we have started our male beauty services with a professional consultants and beautician in 2010 with brand name “M2 beauty”. Marsha Group continues committed to diversification, professional and innovative approach to provide customers with a variety of beauty treatments and working with different types of potential partners in order to create more surprises and promotions.


