

二維過渡金屬碳化物、氮化物或碳氮化物,即MXenes,是由美國德雷塞爾大學(Drexel University)的Yury Gogotsi教授和Michel W. Barsoum教授等人在2011年合作發現的一種新型二維結構材料。其化學通式可用Mn+1XnTz表示,其中M指過渡族金屬(如Ti、Zr、Hf、V、Nb、Ta、Cr、Sc等),X指C或/和N,n一般為1-3,Tz指表面基團(如O2-、OH-、F-、NH3、NH4+等)。MXenes主要通過HF酸或鹽酸和氟化物的混合溶液將MAX相中結合較弱的A位元素(如Al 原子)抽出而得到。它具有石墨烯高比表面積、高電導率的特點,又具備組分靈活可調,最小納米層厚可控等優勢,已在儲能、吸附、感測器、導電填充劑等領域展現出巨大的潛力。


  • 中文名:二維過渡金屬碳(氮)化物
  • 外文名:MXenes/MXene
  • 發現人:Naguib,Gogotsi,Barsoum et al.
  • 時間:2011年
  • 學校:Drexel University
  • 主要成果:Nature,Science,Adv.Mater.,JACS,Nano Energy
MXenes代表性文章:,(1) MXenes綜述代表性文章,(2) MXenes合成代表性文章,(3) MXenes套用代表性文章,
圖1. 三元層狀MAX相陶瓷材料剝離A層原子後獲得的二維過渡金屬碳化物納米片,手風琴狀結構。


(1) MXenes綜述代表性文章

[1] Anasori B, Lukatskaya M R, Gogotsi Y. 2D metal carbides and nitrides (MXenes) for energy storage[J]. Nature Reviews Materials, 2017, 2(2): 16098.
[2] Naguib M, Mochalin V N, Barsoum M W, et al. 25th anniversary article: MXenes: a new family of two-dimensional materials[J]. Advanced Materials, 2014, 26(7): 992-1005.
[3] Huang K, Li Z, Lin J, et al. Two-dimensional transition metal carbides and nitrides (MXenes) for biomedical applications[J].Chemical Society Reviews, 2018, 47(14): 5109-5124.

(2) MXenes合成代表性文章

[1] Naguib M, Kurtoglu M, Presser V, et al. Two-dimensional nanocrystals produced by exfoliation of Ti3AlC2[J]. Advanced Materials, 2011, 23(37): 4248-4253. (氫氟酸)
[2] Ghidiu M, Lukatskaya M R, Zhao M Q, et al. Conductive two-dimensional titanium carbide ‘clay’with high volumetric capacitance[J]. Nature, 2014, 516(7529): 78. (鹽酸+氟化物鹽)
[3] Li M, Lu J, Luo K, et al. Element Replacement Approach by Reaction with Lewis Acidic Molten Salts to Synthesize Nanolaminated MAX Phases and MXenes[J].Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2019, 141(11): 4730-4737. (熔鹽法)

(3) MXenes套用代表性文章

[1] Ghidiu M, Lukatskaya M R, Zhao M Q, et al. Conductive two-dimensional titanium carbide ‘clay’with high volumetric capacitance[J]. Nature, 2014, 516(7529): 78. (儲能器件)
[2] Lukatskaya M R, Mashtalir O, Ren C E, et al. Cation intercalation and high volumetric capacitance of two-dimensional titanium carbide[J]. Science, 2013, 341(6153): 1502-1505. (儲能器件)
[3] Shahzad F, Alhabeb M, Hatter C B, et al. Electromagnetic interference shielding with 2D transition metal carbides (MXenes)[J]. Science, 2016, 353(6304): 1137-1140. (電磁禁止)
[4] Peng Q, Guo J, Zhang Q, et al. Unique lead adsorption behavior of activated hydroxyl group in two-dimensional titanium carbide[J]. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2014, 136(11): 4113-4116. (重金屬離子吸附)
[5]Tan J, Wang Y H, Wang Z,et al.Large out-of-plane piezoelectricity of oxygen functionalized MXenes for ultrathin piezoelectric cantilevers and diaphragms [J]. Nano Energy,2019, doi:10.1016/j.nanoen.2019.104058. (壓電)
[6] Wang L, Yuan L, Chen K, et al. Loading actinides in multilayered structures for nuclear waste treatment: the first case study of uranium capture with vanadium carbide MXene[J]. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2016,8(25): 16396-16403. (核素吸附)
[7] Chen J, Chen K, Tong D, et al. CO2 and temperature dual responsive “Smart” MXene phases[J]. Chemical Communications, 2015, 51(2): 314-317. (感測)
[8] Wang F, Yang C H, Duan M, et al. TiO2 nanoparticle modified organ-like Ti3C2 MXene nanocomposite encapsulating hemoglobin for a mediator-free biosensor with excellent performances[J]. Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 2015, 74: 1022-1028. (生物感測)
[9] Rasool K, Helal M, Ali A, et al. Antibacterial Activity of Ti3C2Tx MXene[J]. ACS Nano, 2016, 10(3): 3674-3684. (抗菌)
[10] Lin H, Wang X, Yu L, et al. Two-dimensional ultrathin MXene ceramic nanosheets for photothermal conversion[J]. Nano Letters, 2016, 17(1): 384-391. (光熱治療)
[11] Xue Q, Zhang H, Zhu M, et al. Photoluminescent Ti3C2 MXene quantum dots for multicolor cellular imaging[J]. Advanced Materials, 2017, 29(15): 1604847. (細胞成像)
[12] Chen K, Chen Y, Deng Q, et al. Strong and biocompatible poly (lactic acid) membrane enhanced by Ti3C2Tz (MXene) nanosheets for Guided bone regeneration[J]. Materials Letters, 2018, 229: 114-117. (骨再生)


