英 [ˈmʌŋɡə(r)] 美 [mɑːŋɡər]
n. (Monger)(美、英)蒙格(人名)
fish-monger 魚販子
Iron Monger 鐵霸王 ; 鐵芒果
Lake Monger 天鵝湖 ; 蒙格湖 ; 夢澤湖
panic-monger 製造恐慌的人 ; 楮
Power Monger 動力販賣 ; 傳播力量
gossip monger 傳謠言的人
Monger lake 芒格湖
Verse Monger 拙劣詩人
rumor monger 造謠者
Fear monger, reader, are you understanding this? 恐懼傳播者,讀者,你明白這個嗎?
I surely got beaten when I bought rice from a monger. 我從商販子那裡買的米,肯定被剋扣了分量。
Ask your fish monger to prepare the fish into fillets. 要求你的魚肉商幫你將魚開成魚排。
Monger. Over the last 50 years, I have captured monsters. 在過去的50年裡,我抓獲了許多怪獸。
He was not a fame-monger, but merely one of God's mad lovers. 他不是追名逐利之徒,只不過是上帝的痴迷的情人而已。
He was not a fame - monger, but merely one of God's mad lovers. 他不是追名逐利之徒,只不過是上帝的痴迷的情人而已。
An animatronic puppet of the Iron Monger was built for the film by Stan Winston Studios. 斯坦·溫斯頓工作室為電影製造了一個鋼鐵巨人的動畫電子模型。
General W. R. Monger (Kiefer Sutherland) herded the lot of misfits into X-file confinement. 蒙格將軍(基弗·薩瑟蘭配音)趕了很多怪胎到x檔案禁閉。
During the highway battle with Iron Monger, a building can be seen in the background with a Roxxon logo. 在鐵人同鐵霸王在高速公路上戰鬥的一場戲裡,可以在背景里看見一幢出現Roxxon標誌的建築。
We take you to see the story of Ye's transformation from a former fish monger to a Tzu Chi community leader. 我們要帶您一起去看看,葉秀梅從做原本從事賣魚生意,轉變成為慈濟社區領導者的故事。
We are also variously known by alternatives terms like "information professional." Personally, I like "info-monger." 我們也經常被冠以諸如“信息專家”之類的名稱,個人而言,我喜歡被稱作“信息販子”。
My thesis topic is Relationship Management in the context of the Management Consulting Profession and my supervisor is Professor Brian Monger. 我的論文課題是有關於管理諮詢公司的關係管理研究。我的導師是BrianMonger教授。
Fashion e-monger Yusaku Maezawa, a mere 35 years of age, is the youngster of the group (all ages are from when the profiles appeared in the magazine). 線上時裝零售商前沢友作(Yusaku Maezawa)年僅35歲,是本榜單中最年輕的(所有年齡的計算均截至雜誌刊登他們個人資料之時)。
Monger considered that, in some areas on the United States and China are difficult, the United States should maintain a relationship of friendly cooperation . 芒格認為,美國在一些領域上與中國競爭將會非常困難,美中兩國更應該保持友好合作的關係。
As Tomio Matsumoto, a 73-year-old fish monger, began cutting them into juicy sashimi slices for tasting, some took notes furiously while others took snapshots. 現年73歲的魚販松本富夫(Tomio Matsumoto)開始將案板上的魚切成生魚片,供大家品嘗;一些學生悶頭狂記筆記,另一些學生則忙著拍照。
Both pit Stane's larger, more powerful Iron Monger armor against Stark's greater experience, and both also feature an exploding reactor as a prominent feature of the battle. 兩個版本都描述了擁有更加強大的鐵霸王盔甲的斯坦恩對戰經驗更加豐富的斯塔克,並且它們都將爆炸性反應堆作為這一幕的主要元素。