來自美國的死金樂隊Lust of Decay,於2006年發行了第三張專輯《Purity Through Dismemberment》.專輯中仍然充斥著獸慾和病態,那種死金的亢奮仍然主導著整張專輯,專輯就不做過多的介紹,死金也沒有什麼過多的介紹,無非是一些關於淫穢,病態,NC's Lust of Decay return mightily with the 9 song PURITY THROUGH DISMEMBERMENT. 肢解,暴虐的介紹,主要還是扭曲思想方面的.
來自美國的死金樂隊Lust of Decay,於2006年發行了第三張專輯《Purity Through Dismemberment》.專輯中仍然充斥著獸慾和病態,那種死金的亢奮仍然主導著整張專輯,專輯就不做過多的介紹,死金也沒有什麼過多的介紹,無非是一些關於淫穢,病態,NC's Lust of Decay return mightily with the 9 song PURITY THROUGH DISMEMBERMENT. 肢解,暴虐的介紹,主要還是扭曲思想方面的.Lust of Decay
NC's Lust of Decay return mightily with the 9 song PURITY THROUGH DISMEMBERMENT. By all indications, these gargantuans are Comatose's flagship band. You know what I'm saying right? They are what Shane Douglas was to ECW, they are "The Franchise". Men in tights sweating all over one another not withstanding, let's get to this pus-filled bag of technical death metal mucus shall we?
Lust of Decay are an underground band for underground fans in the fact that their songs are often gorey lyrically and gaggingly titled. Try as they might, these sickos just can't resist the call of all things indecent and obscene as we're treated to "Licking Bacterial Ecstasy" and "Ejaculating Extermination". That's the one thing that hasn't changed, their ability to pen such sickening song titles and lyrics yet making them enjoyable, even hooky. If you are of the weak stomached variety, they are gonna make you spew harder than Linda Blair.
If you are a person who enjoys semi-guttural growling and riffage ala Cannibal Corpse, Deeds of Flesh and Skinless, then you're gonna be smiling wider than Jani Lane in the "Cherry Pie" video. There's no middle ground with Lust of Decay, either you love them or you hate them. My only complaint with this release is that for a death metal record, it's a bit short. Maybe they wanted it that way though, you know? What better way to effect the listener than with tight, syncopated meathookery that gets in and outta your skull before you have a chance to wonder what just happened? The intent, it would seem, is to kill at will without blinking an eye.
If one thing could be said negatively for Lust of Decay on PURITY THROUGH DISMEMBERMENT is that a few of the tunes sound a tad interchangeable, and they'd do well to vary up the arrangements a bit aside from a blast beat here, a blast beat there. However, I've heard far worse in the DM underground, and L.O.D.(Ohhhhhhh What A Rush!) are surely a top contender amongst the likes of Malignancy, Vore and Vile. Revel in their muck and myre kids....