Little Man Tate

《Little Man Tate》是由Little Man Tate演唱的歌曲,該歌曲收錄於Little Man Tate發行的專輯《Little Man Tate》中。


  • 外文名:Little Man Tate
  • 專輯語言:英語
  • 專輯歌手:Little Man Tate
  • 發行地區:英國
Never mind yer Arctic Blondes or yer Milburn Monkeys, Sheffield's Little Man Tate are proper Lords in a post-post-industrial wasteland where the birds will let you cop a feel for a spam fritter and the alcopops pour like bile from the local BNP candidate.
你還在聽小猴嗎?過時了!來自Sheffield的Little Man Tate才是極後工業化廢墟上的王。在這片令人噁心的土地上,他們是精力過剩的年輕人和激進政黨的代言人
Jon Windle's guttersnipe tales of serial shaggers and scenester bashing will gather most of the plaudits here but guitarist Maz Marriot deserves special mention for his surprisingly expressive range, tackling everything from crunching, Who-esque powerchords to sighing lyricism a la Johnny Marr with aplomb.
主唱Jon Windle具有底層風格的碎碎念與不顧一切的闖勁會贏得一大群擁蹙,不過Maz Marriot也因為其具有驚人表現力的吉他而應得到特別關注。從急風暴雨般擁有The Who神韻的強力和弦到詩一樣寧靜的旋律他無所不能。
The gormlessly-titled 'House Party At Boothy's' manages the nifty trick of sounding like 'Digsy's Dinner' and not being totally annoying, with a na-na-naa refrain that resembles Sham 69 murdering 'Hey Jude' at chucking out time.
'House Party At Boothy's'有個笨頭笨腦的名字,不過它卻成功的汲取了Digsy's Dinner的精華,它有"na-na-naa"這樣的副歌,卻不至於像當年Sham 69唱毀了'Hey Jude'一般令人生厭。


