levi kreis,男,歌手,主要作品有《The Apprentice》。
- 外文名:levi kreis
- 代表作品:《The Apprentice》
- 性別:男
- 取向:同志
levi kreis這位才貌俱全的“同志”歌手最開始亮相於美劇《The Apprentice》,而他處女大碟中的歌曲也成為美劇《Days of our Lives》以及《The Young and the Restless》的插曲。他也憑藉此專輯正式出道樂壇,並在專輯[非法語句]別申明,其中每一首情歌均寫給另一個男人,除了一個很特別的女孩。

其第二張大碟《The Gospel According to Levi》則以其自傳的形式娓娓道來。
07年他在音樂劇《The Million Dollar Quartet》中扮演Jerry Lee Lewis一角色,並藉此帶來的人氣順勢發布第三張專輯。
09年他的第四張原唱錄音室大碟。那些跳動的樂符時而歡快、時而憂鬱,不管是苦是甜Levi Kreis帶給他的樂迷最真實的自己。
The apprentice
美劇《The Apprentice》是一部講述創業成功人士經歷的真人秀,在2004年1月8號播出第一季第一集就風靡整個美國,連續4月收視名列前茅。該節目是由Mark Burnett Productions及 Trump Product、The Apprenticeions LLC共同製作。電視製作人馬克·伯奈特(Mark Burnett)與紐約地產大亨唐納德·特朗普(Donald Trump),又譯(唐納德·特朗普、唐納德‧特朗普或唐納德·特朗普)為這個節目的監製。特朗普亦是這個節目的主持人。這個節目是要為特朗普挑選一位合適的人,成為他的“接班人”。勝出這個“終極面試”的人可以得到特朗普公司的一份年薪25萬美元,為期一年的契約1年的契約
第一張專輯《One of the Ones》,美劇《吸血鬼日記》第2季第22季插曲就選自這張專輯第一首《I should go》
1.I Should Go
2.With You
3.Hardly a Hero
4.Hold You All Night
5.Lonely Sunday Morning
6.Love in Another Light
7.Just This Good
8.Left Over
9.Kiss You Yet
10.Man Outta Me
第二張大碟《The Gospel According to Levi》, levi kreis相信會成為創作型歌手,這張專輯有望衝擊榜單,更重要的是一個多樣化的流行搖滾歌手正要向人們展示他的才能。
1. The Reckoning
2. Say It Out Loud
3. Bittersweet Salvation
4. In The Name Of God
5. Futurelove feat. Darci Monet
6. We're Okay
7. U Found Me
8. Same Ol Me
9. With You
10. Standing Tall
11. It Is Well With My Soul feat. Darci Monet
第三張大碟《Where I Belong》藉助第一張專輯levi kreis人氣劇增,順著氣勢帶來第三張EP。
2.Gonna Be Alright
3.This Girl
4.Ain't Nobody
5.Nothing At All
7.All The Colors
8.Stained Glass Window
9.NO apologies
10.Prayer For The Surrender
11.Not Afraid
12.I Surrender All
《I should go》
Here we are
Isn't it familiar
Haven't had someone to talk to
In such a long time
And it's strange
All we have in common
And your company was just the thing I needed tonight
Somehow I feel I should apologize
Cuz I'm just a little shaken
By what's going on inside
I should go
Before my will gets any weaker
And my eyes begin to linger
Longer than they should
I should go
Before I lose my sense of reason
And this hour holds more meaning
Than it ever could
I should go
I should go
Baby, I should go
It's so hard
Keeping my composure
And pretend I don't see how
Your body curves beneath your clothes
And your laugh
Is pure and unaffected
It frightens me to know so well the place I shouldn't go
I know I gotta take the noble path
Cuz I don't want you to question
The intentions that I have
I should go
Before my will gets any weaker
And my eyes begin to linger
Longer than they should
I should go
Before I lose my sense of reason
And this hour holds more meaning
Than it ever could
I should go
I should go
Baby, I should go
I don't mean to leave you with a trivial excuse
And when you call tomorrow, I'll know what to do
I should go
Before my will gets any weaker
And my eyes begin to linger
Longer than they should
I should go
Before I lose my sense of reason
And this hour holds more meaning
Than it ever could
I should go
I should go
Baby, I should go