《Let the Darkness Overwhelm Me》是Lizah演唱的歌曲,由Lizah作詞作曲,收錄於專輯《Let the Darkness Overwhelm Me》。
- 外文名:Let the Darkness Overwhelm Me
- 所屬專輯:Let the Darkness Overwhelm Me
- 歌曲原唱:Lizah
- 填詞:Lizah
- 譜曲:Lizah
- 發行日期:2019年5月9日
He got paid twenty box per hour cleaning the floor/他掃地每小時收入20塊錢
Packing up empty soul off to work before opening the door/收拾起空洞的靈魂整裝出發去工作
He's a labor a son a Husband a father and more/他是一名底層勞工一位丈夫一個兒子一位父親和更多的身份
At the age of thirty once been to the heaven half a tour/三十歲那年曾因勞累過度在鬼門關走了半圈
Then he saw the poor lady crawling on the road/然後他看到在地上匍匐的可憐婦人
Snow falling on her matted hair it's blistering cold/雪花飄落在她蓬亂的頭髮上 天寒地凍
With fear in both eyes asking the darkening sky for the lord/眼中充滿了恐懼 卻依舊在質問著漸暗的天空質問著上帝
'You took my son away now tell me where the **** to go!'/“你帶走了我的兒子 現在告訴我如今我又該何去何從?”
Got my name written on the pure white wall/純白的牆上寫著我的名字
Drop the pencil on the table blood falls/完筆落於桌面時血滴隨之濺落
I have seen nobody by my side to explain this/身邊無人予我解釋
To me how exhausted was the experience/那一種體驗究竟有多糟糕
Into six pieces break the defenses/心理防線分崩離析
Each of them became a sharp dagger stabbing at me/化作六個碎片分別如利刃匕首刺向我
But remain calm i call it art in blood stare your ******* eyes at me/但保持冷靜那是帶血的藝術睜大你的雙眼看著我
I am no one/我只是無名之輩
I am the bold one/卻也是膽大妄為之人
I got choked by bundles of rope several times at my throat through my nose/曾被幾捆繩子捆至窒息
There’s a hole/黑洞
Appear in my soul/浮現於靈魂中
What's been told/曾被告知應牢記的話語
has been stolen/如今早已遺失
Just can't let it go/卻始終無法就這么釋懷
The fate token/命運的象徵
Was never on hold/從不曾予我機會
For me to open/等我來打開
Its too all late on my way totally desperate/如今已晚即將徹底絕望
I am broken/完全壞掉
She poured whole bottle of milk on to my face/她把整瓶牛奶倒在我臉上
and said better take a look at you mate/並對我說好好看看你自己
From head to toe you are a ******* ache/一個徹頭徹尾的廢物
In the head who blocked my shade useless waste creature/面前的你污染了我的視線
I’m here to help you awake before you bounce off the wall/我是在被更多人唾棄至崩潰前提前好心讓你清醒
Its all fake what you heard about the faith stuff/你所聽到的那些某個無名之輩變成超級英雄
That makes some nobody turns to some savior/關於信仰的一切都是假的
Cuz you ain’t no superman/因為你並非超人
You ain’t even got a chance to cover up your slang/你甚至還無法遮蓋你的口音和俚語
You got be able to learn how to shut the **** up get used to the reality man/你該學會如何閉嘴學著接受現實
Ain’t nobody wanna shake you hands/無人願意與你握手
Ain't nobody can you try to pretend/你也無法假裝成任何人
Ain't no time for you to spend/你更沒有多餘的時間來消遣
Ain't no a single letter can you comprehend!/甚至連這些基本的字元都無法理解清楚!
Personality's twisted in the sick society/人格在病態社會中扭曲
Anxiety became aggressitivity/無盡的焦慮轉變為攻擊性
till reaches maximum intensity/直到達到極限強度
Infecting all the insensitive humanities then/感染每一個對此並不敏感的人類
It gets so creepy who's still with me/它逐漸變得令人毛骨悚然 誰仍與我並肩至今
Who can take it but still act normally/誰能面對這一切卻依然應付自如
Who can face it correctly before it turns/在它們造成大量的悲傷和傷害之前
To Sadness then massively hurt/誰能用正確的方式預防這一切的發生
Apparently we are human but not human/顯然我們是人類 但並不完整
not done anything unique but everything stupid/沒有任何獨特的事 卻愚蠢得很全面
isn't it amusing a joke can you somehow feel me/不是個有趣的笑話嗎 你是否知道我在說什麼
I'm laughing my ass off excuse me/不好意思這真的很引人發笑
but music is healing it's the real thing I'm willing/但音樂卻得以治癒
and I find the real me even chilling than the pill thing/助我找到真正的自我
it's been a shield when my mind is puking/在我意識崩潰之時它會化作一張盾牌
So I am drilling into the darkness for years/於黑暗之中守護著我
I ain’t got no complains on those of mine had been taken/我從未抱怨過曾被奪走的那些
Duplicating what I’ve done till my ass gets wasted/重複的做著這些事情直到最後一刻
Until the last second till my assassination/或者最終會喪命於他人之手
May become a different story written/或許會變成全然不同的另一個故事
I’m drowning alcoholic intoxication/我沉溺 沉醉中毒
Overwhelming all of me I got no vision in darkness/徹底被壓垮 在黑暗中失去光亮與視野
Now a black hole in my heart I call it the art/我將如今心中的黑洞稱之為某種藝術
Listen sweetheart it's ******* brand new start/停止親愛的這將是個新的開始
Into the darkness for years been hardly surviving/在黑暗中掙扎多年幾乎沉沒
Over and over again tears me apart/一遍又一遍地被撕碎
Let me draw a chart teach you to depict your life/讓我畫一張圖表教你描繪你的生活
Waves in the heart jumping up and down in my eyes/心口的波浪在我的雙眼中上躥下跳
Such a pain in the ass who is that guy/哪個可憐的傢伙在承受著這痛苦
It's my life I am trying hard to describe/這就是我的生活,我正在努力地描述
Put the vomit back to your throat/將那些污穢物咽回你的喉嚨
Listen to how does the boy choke/仔細聽聽那個男孩窒息而亡的過程
As he recalls on everything he's been through/那他回憶起他所經歷過的一切
There goes another sad story unfold/有一個悲傷的故事於你眼前展開
I've seen those individuals who had been suffering/我見過那些一直在遭受著痛苦的人
They've been suffocating can't withdraw from/他們時常感到無法繼續忍受卻又無法抽身而退
But they kept hustling and struggling from/日復一日掙扎與絕望之中
The puzzle that the reality had put them on/在現實的迷宮中搜尋著可能不存在的唯一的出路
I'm just a regular human being trying to stay strong/我只是一個在努力堅強的普通人
Becoming muscular isn't gonna help me to move on/但身體的強壯並不能助我越過阻礙
when Something has went wrong no idea what is going on/在問題出現時感到茫然而無助
Fabulous life cannot survive in dark no more longer/美妙的生活並不於黑暗中存在
When everything goes round and round and round our lives keeps going on/一切照例不停循環 生活與生命依然在繼續仿佛不會停歇一般
He felt so desperate on the way home about to meet his mom/走在回家的路上想到馬上就要見到媽媽的他被幾乎絕望吞噬
Hands are sweaty heart beating rapidly into hive of bees/渾身戰慄心跳快的仿佛衝進了蜜蜂窩
The exam score is **** he sits on the top the rock weeps/考試成績無比糟糕 他停下來坐在路邊的大岩石上哭泣著
'Mommy's gonna hit me on my face till I incontinently pee'/“媽媽會把我揍到我小便失禁”
The next minute a sharp rock appear to hit him on his knees/緊接著一塊鋒利的岩石砸向了他的膝蓋
He curls up upon the ground squeeze the paper into piece/他蜷縮在地上 痛到將手心中攥著的成績單擠成了碎片
'The next shut is on your face ***** take this to eat'/“下一發會對準你的臉 **請你吃個這個!”
His classmate walks to him excited then raised his fist/他的同學興奮而猙獰地走向他 並舉起了拳頭