Leslie Hewitt

Leslie Hewitt

Leslie Hewitt是一位藝術家。


  • 中文名:萊斯利·休伊特
  • 外文名:Leslie Hewitt
  • 出生日期:1977年
  • 職業:藝術家


Leslie Hewitt’s hybrid approach to photography and sculpture revisits the still-life genre from a post-minimalist perspective. Her geometric compositions, which she frames and crystallizes through the disciplines of photography and film theory respectively, are spare assemblages of ordinary effects and materials suggesting the porosity between intimate and sociopolitical histories. Whether they are discreetly arranged in layers on wooden planks or stacked before a wall in her studio, her objects often include personal mementos such as familial pictures, as well as books and vintage magazines referring to Black literary and popular culture ephemera of her upbringing. Interested in the mechanisms behind the construction of meaning and memory, she decisively challenges both by unfolding manifestly formal rather than didactic connections in her heteroclite juxtapositions. She puts pressure on physical space as the ultimate frame of her photo-sculptures, by displaying some of them leaning against a wall as they were originally conceived, Leslie Hewitt further works with site-specific installation and film as modalities to contend with the notion of space and time equally.


2018年3月21日 - 2018年5月5日
貝浩登(首爾) (韓國 Seoul)
Leslie Hewitt
貝浩登(首爾) (韓國 Seoul)
2016年4月27日 - 2017年2月12日
惠特尼美國藝術博物館 (美國 New York City, NY)
Richard DeMartini、Dana Miller
Alice Neel、Cory Arcangel、Alice Attie、Richard Avedon、Barkley L. Hendricks、Beauford Delaney、Billy Al Bengston、Forrest Bess、Dawoud Bey、Ilse Bing Willem、Isabel Bishop、Paul Cadmus、Alexander Calder、Chuck Close、Louise Dahl-Wolfe、Willem De Kooning、Jack Dempsey、Charles Demuth、Philip-Lorca DiCorcia、Mabel Dwight、Walker Evans、Louis Faurer、Robert Frank、Gertrude Vanderbilt Whitney、Arshile Gorky、Nancy Grossman、Susan Hall、Grace Hartigan、Marsden Hartley、Anthony Hernandez、Leslie Hewitt、Lewis Hine、Edward Hopper、Kerry James Marshall、Jay DeFeo、Jasper Johns、Howard Kanovitz、Walt Kuhn、Gaston Lachaise、Louise Lawler、Arthur Lee、Robert Longo、Ryan McGinley、Gerald Murphy、Wangechi Mutu、Louise Nevelson、Arnold Newman、Dorothy Norman、O’KeeffeGeorgia、Philip Pearlstein、Peter Saul、Fairfield Porter、Man Ray、Larry Rivers、Theodore Roszak、Alison Saar、Morton Schamberg、Georges Schreiber、Jamel Shabazz、Ben Shahn、Cindy Sherman、Paul Sietsema、Laurie Simmons、Avery Singer、Raphael Soyer、Joseph Stella、Elaine Sturtevant、Henry Taylor、George Tooker、Toyo Miyatake、Carl Van Vechten、JoAnn Verburg、Andy Warhol、Idelle Weber、James Welling、John Wilde、Jonas Wood
惠特尼美國藝術博物館 (美國 New York City, NY)

