Konstantinos Zorbas,男,希臘人,博士,山東大學哲學與社會發展學院講師。
- 畢業院校:劍橋大學
- 學位/學歷:博士
- 專業方向:社會人類學
- 外文名:Konstantinos Zorbas
2007 劍橋大學 社會人類學 博士
2001 聖安德魯斯大學 社會人類學 碩士
2000 色雷斯德謨克利特大學 歷史與民族學 學士
10/2008--07/2010 色雷斯德謨克利特大學 講師
‘Where official Justice ends, Theodicy begins: curse accusations and the rise of retaliatory shamanism in Tuva’. In the conference: ‘On Retaliation’, Max Planck Institute for Foreign and International Criminal Law, Freiburg, 26-29 October 2011.
Present: Religion and Law – exploring legal cultures and their frontiers in north Asia. [Key words: conflict, mediation, alternative justice, theodicy, Gananath Obeyesekere]
The fieldwork in Tuva was funded by an individual research grant, the Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research.
“Shamanism, Misanthropy, and Legally Unfathomable Crimes against Life in Tuva, Siberia”. InAnthropological Pathways:Festschrift – Essays in honour of Prof. N. Xirotiris. Forthcoming.2016.
“Shirokogoroff’sPsychomental Complexas a Context for Analysing Shamanic Mediations in Medicine and Law (Tuva, Siberia)”.International Journal of Shamanistic Research[Institute of Ethnology, Hungarian Academy of Sciences], vol. 21, pp. 81-102. 2013.
“Shamans and curses: catalysts and healers of curseafflictionsin Tuva, Siberia” (inGreek).Folklore Journal[National Academy ofAthens].2016.
“The Origins and Reinvention of Shamanic Retaliation in a Siberian City (Tuva Republic, Russia)”.Journal of Anthropological Research, vol. 71, pp. 401-422.2015.
“Judge Dredd visits Plato’s Republic: legal pluralism and shamanic justice in a Siberian city”
“Where official Justice ends, Theodicy begins: the rise of retaliatory shamanism in Tuva, Siberia”. In the volume ‘On Retaliation’, Max-Planck Institute for Social anthropology, Halle, Germany .
“Shirokogoroff’s ‘Psychomental Complex’ and its implications for a social epidemiology of present-day shamanism in north Asia”. In the ‘International Journal of Shamanistic Research’, Budapest .
“Shamans as catalysts and healers of affliction with curses in Tuva, Siberia” (in Greek). In the Journal ‘Folklore’, Athens, 2011.
“Urban shamans and their clients: coping with distress in the post-soviet age. In the volume “Cultural Environment of the Eastern Siberia and Mongolia”. Proceedings of the conference
“Cultural Environment of the Eastern Siberia and Mongolia”, published by the East Siberian State Academy of Culture and the Arts, Ulan-Ude, Russia, 2002.