Kali Linux Web滲透測試第3版

Kali Linux Web滲透測試第3版

《Kali Linux Web滲透測試第3版》是2019年東南大學出版社出版的圖書,東南大學出版社作者是Gilberto,Najera-Gutierrez,Juned,Ahmed,Ansari。


  • 中文名:Kali Linux Web滲透測試第3版
  • 作者:Gilberto,Najera-Gutierrez,Juned,Ahmed,Ansari
  • 出版社: 東南大學出版社
  • ISBN:9787564183233


  《Kali Linux Web滲透測試 第3版(影印版)》展示了如何設定實驗室,幫助你了解網站攻擊的本質和機制,並且深入解釋了經典的攻擊方法。第3版針對新的Kali Linux改動以及最近的網路攻擊進行了大量更新。在客戶端攻擊,尤其是模糊測試方面,Kali Linux的表現非常出色。
  《Kali Linux Web滲透測試 第3版(影印版)》首先將為你全面的介紹黑客攻擊和滲透測試的概念,你會看到在Kali Linux中使用的與Web應用程式攻擊相關的工具。你將深入了解典型的SQL、命令注入缺陷以及多種利用這些缺陷的手法。Web滲透測試還需要對客戶端攻擊具備一般性的了解,而這可以通過對腳本和輸入驗證缺陷的長時間討論來解決。還有一個非常重要的章節是關於加密算法實現上的缺陷,在這章里我們討論了網路棧中與加密層有關的新問題。這類攻擊的嚴重性不容小覷,對其的防範與大多數網際網路用戶密切相關,當然其中也少不了滲透測試員。
  在《Kali Linux Web滲透測試 第3版(影印版)》的結尾,你會使用一種稱為模糊測試的自動化技術來識別Web應用程式中的缺陷。最終,你將了解Web應用程式漏洞以及藉助Kali Linux中的工具利用這些漏洞的方法。


Chapter 1: Introduction to Penetration Testing and Web Applications
Proactive security testing
Different testing methodologies
Ethical hacking
Penetration testing
Vulnerability assessment
Security audits
Considerations when performing penetration testing
Rules of Engagement
The type and scope of testing
Client contact details
Client IT team notifications
Sensitive data handling
Status meeting and reports
The limitations of penetration testing
The need for testing web applications
Reasons to guard against attacks on web applications
Kali Linux
A web application overview for penetration testers
HTTP protocol
Knowing an HTTP request and response
The request header
The response header
HTTP methods
The GET method
The POST method
The HEAD method
The TRACE method
The PUT and DELETE methods
The OPTIONS method
Keeping sessions in HTTP
Cookie flow between server and client
Persistent and nonpersistent cookies
Cookie parameters
HTML data in HTTP response
The server-side code
Multilayer web application
Three-layer web application design
Web services
Introducing SOAP and REST web services
HTTP methods in web services
Building blocks of AJAX
The AJAX workflow
Chapter 2: Setting Up Your Lab with Kali Linux
Kali Linux
Latest improvements in Kali Linux
Installing Kali Linux
Virtualizing Kali Linux versus installing it on physical hardware
Installing on VirtualBox
Creating the virtual machine
Installing the system
Important tools in Kali Linux
CMS & Framework Identification
Web Application Proxies
Burp Proxy
Customizing client interception
Modifying requests on the fly
Burp Proxy with HTTPS websites
Zed Attack Proxy
Web Crawlers and Directory Bruteforce
Chapter 3: Reconnaissance and Profiling the Web Sewer
Chapter 4: Authentication and Session Management Flaws
Authentication schemes in web applications
Chapter 5: Detecting and Exploiting Injection-Based Flaws
Command injection
Chapter 6: Finding and Exploiting Cross-Site Scripting (XSS)
Chapter 7: Cross-Site Request Forgery, Identification, and
Chapter 8: Attacking Flaws in Cryptographic Implementations
Chapter 9: AJAX, HTML5, and Client-Side Attacks
Crawling AJAX applications
Chapter 10: Other Common Security Flaws in Web Applications
Insecure direct object references
Chapter 11 : Using Automated Scanners on Web Applications
Considerations before using an automated scanner
Web application vulnerability scanners in Kali Linux


Gilberto Najera-Gutierrez is an experienced penetration tester currently working for one ofthe top security testing service providers in Australia. He obtained leading security andpenetration testing certifications, namely Offensive Security Certified Professional (OSCP),EC-Council Certified Security Administrator (ECSA), and GIAC Exploit Researcher andAdvanced Penetration Tester (GXPN); he also holds a Master's degree in Computer Sciencewith specialization in Artificial Intelligence.
  Gilberto has been working as a penetration tester since 2013, and he has been a securityenthusiast for almost 20 years. He has successfully conducted penetration tests on networksand applications of some the biggest corporations, government agencies, and financialinstitutions in Mexico and Australia.

