《Julie and the Cadillacs》是由Bryan Izzard執導的電影,由John Dean擔任編劇,Tina Russell、Ben Richards等主演。
- 外文名:Julie and the Cadillacs
- 製片地區:英國
- 導演:Bryan Izzard
- 編劇:John Dean
- 主演:Tina Russell、Ben Richards
導演 | 編劇 |
Bryan Izzard | John Dean |
角色 | 演員 | 配音 |
Julie Carr | Tina Russell | |
Mike Williams | Ben Richards | |
Phil Green | Peter Polycarpou | |
Cyril Wise | Victor Spinetti | |
Barbara Gifford | Toyah Willcox | |
Julie's grandmother | Thora Hird | |
Mr. Watkins | James Grout | |
Mac MacDonald | Mike Berry | |
Ian | William Adams | |
Joe Tex | Roger Alborough | |
Coffee bar person | Brierly Arnell | |
Gus | Adam Astill | |
Coffee bar person | Vicci Avery | |
Shirley | Helen Baker | |
Coffee bar person | Karen Barnes | |
Coffee bar person | Danielle Batchelor | |
Commissionaire | Dick Bates | |
Coffee bar person | Gerard Bentall | |
Freddy Fanzini | Paul Besterman | |
Big Rocker | Cameron Blakely | |
Commissionaire | Brian Blakey | |
Jimmy Campbell | 比利·博伊德 | |
Ritchie Crabtree | Roy Brandon | |
Coffee bar person | Liana Bridges | |
One of Jailhouse Fou | Chris Brown | |
Coffee bar waitress | Sarah Buckley | |
Jailhouse boy | Liam Byatt | |
Pat | Alexis Caley | |
Coffee bar person | Tara Cookson | |
Coffee bar person | Lucy Cullinan | |
Rock show musician | Mark Cumberland | |
Coffee bar person | Liz Curnick | |
One of Jailhouse Fou | Peter Dale | |
Coffee bar person | Sophie Louise Dann | |
Coffee bar person | Jeremy Devall | |
Dave | Scott Fleming | |
Waiter | Tom Forsyth | |
Coffee bar person | Tim Fulston | |
Coffee bar person | Steve Gallagher | |
One of Jailhouse Fou | Neil Garrity | |
John Wood | David Habbin | |
Girl on stage | Sarah Hadland | |
One of Jailhouse Fou | Gary Harmon | |
Mr. Jockle | Laurence Harrington | |
Polly Winter | Linzi Hateley | |
Mr. Hayman | Noel Hawkins | |
Recording test engin | Ben Heaf | |
Coffee bar person | Luke Hope | |
TV cameraman | Dicky Howitt | |
Jenny | Julia Johnston | |
Rock show AM | Bret Jones | |
Sue | Jacqueline Kennedy | |
Mr. Philips | Robin Kermode | |
Mr. Gray | Peter Lindford | |
TV cameraman | Paul Marshall | |
Reg Gifford | John McAndrew | |
Waitress | Lucy McKinnon | |
Mandi Spring (as Moy | Ruskin Moya | |
Rock show musician | Alan Nicholas | |
Mrs. Hayman | Lyndi Oliver | |
Tony Henderson | Chris O'Neill | |
Star Sound engineer | Guy Picot | |
Roy Holgate | Matt Raynor | |
Girl on stage (as Al | Allison Roberts | |
Jailhouse barman | Alan Ruscoe | |
Cameraman | Jeff Sayers | |
Restaurant cleaner | Irene Sharp | |
Rock show musician | John Wallace | |
Adam Schneider | Tim Wallers | |
Rock show musician | Jeff Williams | |
Cindy | Lucy Williamson | |
Floor manager | Murray Woodfield |